Example sentences of "it is [vb pp] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Elegant and closely-analyzed work has shown that , formed by photolysis of , probably contains a semi-bridging carbonyl group ; in the complicated photolysis of , it has been possible to deduce a great deal about the forms of the intermediate and about the photochemical processes by which it is formed and reacts .
2 But if it is discovered and threatened , it twists its legs outwards and arches its back in such an extreme contortion that it suddenly and disconcertingly exposes its underside — and that is a vivid scarlet , a spectacular warning that its skin contains a burning poison .
3 All that has changed is the nature and volume of data , and the way it is created and accessed .
4 The clear lesson here is that the IT archive , whatever form it should take , is not only the carrier of information which the future historian would want to use , but that the very form , structure and dynamic of that archive as it is created and used will make a vital contribution to an understanding of the social relationships , the culture and the power structures of the late twentieth century .
5 That any Petitioner whose Petition stands referred to the Select Committee shall , subject to the Rules and Orders of the House and to the Prayer of his Petition , be entitled to be heard by himself , his Counsel or Agents upon his Petition provided that it is prepared and signed in conformity with the Rules and Orders of the House , and the Member in charge of the Bill shall be entitled to be heard by his Counsel or Agents in favour of the Bill against that Petition .
6 Adolescence is accepted as a time to explore and experiment and find some sense of identity , and yet when this includes sexuality it is condemned and denied .
7 Unless it is prodded and pulled by the government , what is to stop it rolling over into a more comfortable position ?
8 However , because the success of a policy depends so heavily on the way it is devised and implemented , and because the experience of PNP raises such serious questions about the Authority 's role in this regard , it is clear that a review of Authority practices and procedures , as they affect primary education in the city , is now merited .
9 If it is denied or suppressed in some way , it will become a recurring experience , or it will convert itself into some other disorder of the body , emotion or behaviour .
10 Johnson found it full of weeds ; today it is tailored and fitted .
11 In our copy of Roget it is listed as follows You can be quite sure that if you examine all these numbered sections you will find every word in the English language that is remotely or closely equivalent to " jargon " .
12 Knowledge is not adequately described by epistemology because all knowledge is relational to the social and historical context in which it is generated and used .
13 In the way it is grown and gathered , in cane or beet , sugar contains an appreciable content of dietary fibre , but this is stripped away completely in the refining process to leave no fibre at all in the sugar we buy in packets or consume in cakes , biscuits or drinks .
14 Do n't forget that the skin on your body is a good barrier to the virus , unless it is broken or cut .
15 When an enactment is passed there is finality unless and until it is amended or repealed by Parliament .
16 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who erects or installs any article for use at work in any premises where that article is to be used by persons at work to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that nothing about the way in which it is erected or installed makes it unsafe or a risk to health when properly used . ’
17 For courses in which all units , or core units , are undergoing national development of unit specifications , it is intended that specified existing courses in these and closely related subjects will be converted to the new format for candidate enrolment in :
18 By arrangement with the Soviet authorities the aid would be routed in such a way as to ensure that it " actually reaches those for whom it is intended and does not jeopardize the gradual advance towards normality of supplies in accordance with market rules " .
19 Despite the fact that it kills 8 000 men each year — four times as many people as die from cervical cancer — it is under-recognised and under-researched .
20 It is steamed and served with the rest of the meal .
21 It is recognised that observed statistical relationships may change over time due to changes in financial markets .
22 Similarly , social workers can help ensure that where provision is available for protecting someone 's rights in the justice system , ( for example , appropriate adult provision ) the need for it is recognised and met .
23 This section gives an overview of LIFESPAN , describing briefly how it is implemented and installed .
24 Poor dentition and the absence of teeth can affect both what is eaten and how well it is masticated and absorbed .
25 ‘ After all when it is said and done ,
26 ‘ In n it ’ is not in the dictionary , but it is said and understood .
27 Hence the idea of democracy , or of popular power , however much and however easily it is abused and exploited , still retains a radical potential .
28 It is undoubtedly true that Hansard and particularly records of Committee debates are not widely held by libraries outside London and that the lack of satisfactory indexing of Committee stages makes it difficult to trace the passage of a clause after it is redrafted or renumbered .
29 While it is acknowledged that to delve into one 's subconscious can be helpful in working out psychological problems , it can be damaging if done in isolation .
30 Quite the contrary , it is acknowledged that carrying the message is all one can do .
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