Example sentences of "it is [adv] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 It is particularly in this age group that coeliac disease may easily be overlooked , for anaemia may be dismissed as occurring secondary to dietary insufficiency without further investigation .
2 It is largely for this latter , purely emotional reason that very few scientists will take the idea seriously .
3 The Clouds are of immense importance to astronomers , and it is partly for this reason that many of the great new telescopes are being set up south of the equator , where the Clouds are accessible .
4 It is probably for this reason that male zebra finches copulate frequently with their partners , even though a single mating is quite sufficient to fertilise all the eggs .
5 It is probably for this reason that Exeter services have not attracted the baleful glare of publicity .
6 It is probably in this area that the House of Commons has had most effect in persuading governments to modify their original proposals .
7 It is also through this file that programs can be evoked to provide manual and automatic checks on the specified functional associations ( see pages 67–70 ) .
8 It is also within this group that a fan has the most obvious opportunities for becoming somebody special .
9 It is also in this period ( roughly from the age of three to six years ) when sexual identity is established — usually with the same-sex parent providing the role model .
10 Incidentally it is just at this point that I find many theologians who enter this field particularly weak ; mainly because what they deduce from a Biblical view is so general ( and sometimes even vague ) that it is of little practical help in choosing between the main alternatives of the world today .
11 It is just outside this area but it is the home of the Duke of Bedford , whose ancestors put their wealth , or capital , into a vast scheme to drain the marshland of the Fens .
12 When farmers and farm workers refer to the ‘ loss of community ’ in their village it is usually to this kind of change that they are implicitly referring , for there are bound to be changing patterns of sociability developing in the village to which they are unaccustomed or from which they feel excluded .
13 When the agricultural population complains of a loss of community in the English village it is usually to this loss of an enclosed , socially self-sufficient occupational community that they refer .
14 It is often on this basis that some say theft , fraud , or dishonesty are morally wrong ; that they are moral wrongs in themselves , moral imperatives given from above .
15 It is precisely on this point that I feel proud and happy and am convinced that my book will survive . "
16 Not exactly , if only because it is precisely at this point that Volpone shows how the normal is parasitic upon the perverse .
17 Yet it is precisely at this point that students — afraid of boring us with repetition — ; search for new material , abandoning their first ideas perhaps for the rest of the piece .
18 It is precisely for this anonymity that they were selected .
19 Sadly , it has been all too often the case that it is precisely in this area that individuals and agencies have found it most difficult to co-operate .
20 Indeed , it is precisely from this ‘ being aware of having experience ’ and being able both to communicate its features to another and to distinguish between oneself as experiencing agent and another 's reported experiences that the prime features of humanity arise .
21 It is only on this body of knowledge that you are able to build your further development .
22 It is only at this point that we come to the central theme , the reason why all those who wish to understand the problem of drugs in sport should read this book .
23 The appropriate tax rates are then applied to calculate the total income tax due and it is only at this stage that the MIRAS system is introduced into the assessment .
24 It is only at this point that the style gets locked in .
25 It is only at this point that the newspaper reader learns that the rapist and the victim had been next door neighbours at the time of the original offence .
26 The growth in academic social gerontology has , however , been a much more recent phenomenon and it is only with this development that several important historical issues relating to old age in the present century have established themselves on the agenda for research .
27 It is only during this century that statutory services have been developed and they came in a very piecemeal fashion .
28 It is only against this background that one can begin now to understand the behaviour of Hollywood and Broadway , of the star names who confessed so eagerly and abjectly to their previous sins and were meat and drink to the H.U.A.C. Like reformed alcoholics , they could not wait to let the world know how misguided they had been and who had led them astray .
29 Before turning to a detailed discussion of the lives of the Muftis , it will be useful to examine in some detail the development of the learned hierarchy in the Ottoman state , since it is only against this background that the development of the institution of the Muftilik can be properly appreciated .
30 On the other hand , a pro-rights clergyman suggested that it is our traditional despotic treatment of the non-human creation which has been truly infantile , and that it is only in this century that we have begun to grow up a little .
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