Example sentences of "it is [adv] [vb pp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 … the paradigm of development as it is generally understood is not suited to explaining change in mature organisms .
2 Whether it is thereby improved is , of course , a matter of opinion .
3 A school that can show parents that it is well resourced is at a tremendous advantage .
4 Likewise , further development of Open Look as it is presently constituted is being discontinued , although there will be a new release in the Autumn incorporating the COSE specifications and X-Windows X11R5 .
5 And most important of all and it is often forgotten is that in South Africa the regime and the western powers were facing a real hot revolution and that hot revolution could have destroyed the country for all its people .
6 It is at times suggested that the security forces are operating under a series of shackles , which it is sometimes suggested are of a political nature .
7 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
8 It seems to me that E two as it is currently drafted is a great deal less comprehensive than P P G seven and a great deal more restrictive , possibly as a consequence of being less comprehensive .
9 That Farriery as it is commonly practised is conducted without principle or science , and greatly to the injury of the noblest and most useful of our animals .
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