Example sentences of "it and it [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I said I did n't know , and thought no more of it and it was n't until David returned and was performing at the Arts Lab on the Sunday night that I remembered and said to David , ‘ Oh , by the way , while you were away I had a message — your father is not very well ’ .
2 Buttons reached for it and it was n't until they were flying it that Artemis saw the four-foot drop the other side .
3 Now when you looked through it and it was n't an exam , twenty sixth or something was it ?
4 I I 'd asked Chris to organize it and it was n't .
5 So the council were faced were having to take a legal action because there was a whole claims that because the land was so old , nobody knew who technically owned it and it was n't registered as we owning it until nineteen sixty six , there was legal disputes about that .
6 And yet eve er quite a lot of people had mentioned it and it was well advertised .
7 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
8 I had brothers and friends ’ brothers into it and it was just the village I lived in , it was a grebo village .
9 I looked at it and it was just like sort of , light brown and I thought oh that 's not too bad !
10 They did n't have a lot of time on it and it was effectively an engineer/producer , rather than a producer .
11 It was almost dark when I found it and it was not until I arrived home that I could see its lovely design .
12 But probably a guard had spotted it and it was right now sitting in some staff-room in Queen Street station , or Gallanach .
13 Once the engine was exposed on both sides , hawsers were placed around it and it was then lifted from the hole .
14 I thought for two days that the machine had swallowed it and it was only on the monday morning on the way to the bank that I found that it had miraculousloy reappeared in my wallet again .
15 To be to be honest i I , I , it 's been , the presentation I 've given tonight has been slightly different , it 's the first time I tried it and it was really successful .
16 It was great thing to keep it and it was always kept and looked after until the following year .
17 They accepted it and it was swiftly published , appearing before the end of 1938 .
18 You name it and it was there .
19 And er rubbed it and it was quite very hard you know .
20 the broken metal and then the steam roller was back and fore on it and It was quite a good surface you know , but
21 The check out because we had a go on it and it was quite fun .
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