Example sentences of "it and [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two strong young foresters appeared at the drawing-room door with it and even they staggered a little under its weight .
2 But he 's also saying is n't he at the end of this paragraph , or he 's implying that th this is this revolution is not happening because we the communists are making it happen , it is happening and we need to react to it and somehow we 've therefore got a choice , we can either trail behind or we can lead it .
3 Turn right onto it and soon you come to Tregaminion church .
4 The next day was fair and washed with a spent air about it and strangely there seemed no damage to the house and none of the crumbling-looking old stones on the outer wall had fallen .
5 Cos she does it and whenever she talks in drama she goes like that and so I go up and goes cooee , hello Donna , who , who
6 and click on the informat information that you 've got already on it and whenever you come back home , or not , into work , you plug it into the master and it it boots in
7 I had a good laugh about it and eventually she saw the funny side .
8 The bruising flak searched for him again , but he ignored it and eventually it went away .
9 fly in the air and hit it and away it goes , if you missed it you you missed your turn .
10 A lot of time we 're just messing with the amp and getting it sounding pretty cool , and then the engineer will whack something on it and away you go . ’
11 bother I 've ever had with him , and he goes on to it and away he goes and he 'll come back in the house and he 'll go up the stairs to the computer , and that 's his life .
12 Now that , we never get any credit for it and yet we did an awful lot of work .
13 That 's what I do n't understand because the message is going to the brain to do it and yet I try and I ca n't .
14 That is why we must oppose anti-porn forces in whatever guise they appear ; which means being prepared to face up to pornography , to understand why we like it and why we find that so shameful .
15 Our modern parental investment individualistic view would n't allow you to make that error , instead you 'd say you know you 've got ta look at the costs and benefits of the mother too and perhaps there are benefits to mothers in actively testing as it were their offspring , erm rather than just passively er accepting that they 're gon na have to be mothers and gon na have to get on with it and again you see , er I would er and this may have been the big mistake I made last year , er but again I stand by my er view on this and it 's a perfectly defensible one , erm again I think those who say that abortion is unnatural and kind of erm offends against er you know nature , are wrong .
16 They want the Government to buy it and today they took their case to the High Court in London .
17 But ultimately , at that stage , the expectation is that they will say , well the bulk of the D S S monies have now been transferred to local authorities , and can safely be distributed through the normal standard spending assessment distribution , and the revenue support grant for local authorities , so at that stage you will cease to have any specific grant and one assumes that the conditions about where you spend it and how you spend it will also have been removed .
18 Now how how you work it on your scheme or whatever scheme comes up , it just seems to me that if you are going to have self-regulatory body , there 's got to be responsibility for it and how you impose that responsibility , could I 'm sure be in all sorts of different ways .
19 ‘ Perhaps I should tell you a little about myself , Mrs Wilson , ’ he said when the maid had gone , ‘ … a little about my family and Elsie 's place in it and how I come to be looking for her after such a long time . ’
20 One day when the terrible moment comes and it is bound to come when we shall be talking of the Serb national catastrophe , when we shall be questioning ourselves about who was responsible for it and how it came about that we are the last nation in Europe to be surrounded by such enemies and such hatred , then many of the great brains of the Academy will find themselves in the dock if they live to see the day .
21 To continue our articles on upgrading machines , Geoff Cox takes a look at a new high speed processor upgrade for 386 DX owners and shows how to fit it and how it performs compared to standard 387 coprocessors .
22 One has to wonder then why he made it and how he related it to the archaic world of his plot .
23 People talked themselves into it and now they talking their way out . ’
24 Following Sunday I came down to wash it and polish it and now we 've got blue stickers in the bathroom the heater !
25 She had had every opportunity to be , for heaven 's sake , but she 'd never worked hard enough at it and now she did not feel like struggling with a foreign language to search for an item when she did not even know what she was looking for .
26 Now you have it and now you do n't .
27 I usually have to come in seven o'clock , that 's how I did it and now I 've been over here sort of mucks the whole system so I 've got a driving lesson tomorrow night , I ca n't cancel that
28 ‘ I knew it and now I have remembered .
29 No , no they just take your word for it and now I have got as I said , I 've got that , I 've got to paint that over and reseal and I 've got to make sure that nobody makes a mess in there , but the plumber said what you really need to do is to get rid of this cheap and tatty , horrible plastic tray which does n't come right to the edge of the tiles
30 I bought it and now I want to sell it . ’
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