Example sentences of "it turn [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It turns up as a footnote in every textbook and training manual .
2 Sound quality suffers without a sound card , but it turns up in the unlikeliest places .
3 It turns out in the end that , that , all the readings were in there it 's just a matter locating them !
4 After a while it turned on to a concrete road , where another truck was waiting .
5 Throughout the Ancient Near East seven was a sacred number , and it turned up in every area of Israel 's worship .
6 Part of Gould 's collection sent from Sydney shortly after his first visit to New South Wales only narrowly escaped being lost when it turned up in a warehouse that Gould happened to visit in Adelaide .
7 This " trusted friend " ( until it turned round on the sufferer : there is a Chinese saying " First man takes drink , then drink takes drink , then drink takes man " ) was the only known method of suppressing unpleasant feelings and , although maybe no longer trusted , is nonetheless sadly missed .
8 But then it turned round towards the open stable door and went back to its place in the darkness ,
9 It turned in at the gate and came chuntering up the track to pull up beside them .
10 The occasional jeep was still passing by with its dead or wounded aboard , raising a cloud of dust as it turned out of the village and sped down the slight hill toward the Orne bridges .
11 So it , it was it turned out for the best .
12 Despite the myths which surround the Act , it turned out in the long term to be quite efficient and reasonably humane , but the threat of transition sparked off another series of troubles in Sussex , the last concerted fling of desperation .
13 Kant thinks , for example , that one who breaks a promise , because it is going to land him in personal difficulties to keep it , can not will that everyone would break their promises in these circumstances , for the situation in which no one kept promises which it turned out in the least difficult or vexatious to keep is an impossibility .
14 But see how it turned out in the end . ’
15 They had both of them thought that the climate of Panama would be bad for the racquets , although it turned out in the end that he could perfectly well have taken them with him .
16 However , it turned out in the end that he was basically correct , though in a manner he had certainly not expected .
17 But the character of the report as it turned out in the end owed a great deal to Sir William Beveridge himself , who determined to make a ‘ crusade ’ out of it for the sake of the achievement of social reform .
18 Erm it turned out in the end that , that you got some information about the husband , particularly about a pension scheme , but you almost got the impression was well , you know , was it really right ?
19 Horowitz watched it turn on to the road and vanish .
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