Example sentences of "it seem have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Grunte , who had little time for the Third World , said that as far as he was concerned , most of it seemed to have moved to Birmingham .
2 Spokesman Brian Adams explained : ‘ The historical society is one of the oldest clubs at Queen 's but for a long time it seemed to have fallen into a plodding routine .
3 It seemed to have swollen in her chest , huge and hot , and its painful drumming shook her frail body as if to burst it apart .
4 It seemed to have spread to his neck and down the right side of his back .
5 There was no mention of any such glass in an early twentieth-century description , and it seemed to have disappeared before a restoration of 1869 .
6 It seemed to have happened in a rush , just recently ; Ruth still thought of her as the upright , vigorous Gran of her childhood .
7 Rover it seems have broken through the motor industry gloom with a twenty five per cent increase in sales in stark contrast to its rivals .
8 This was not , in all probability , the intent of the statute : it seems to have arisen from concern expressed by the commons in parliament at the tendency of the judges in the 1340s to construe as usurpation of royal power , and thus treason , such offences as riot and highway robbery .
9 It seems to have arisen from the report of Levy-Agresti and Sperry ( 1968 ) that in a visuo-tactile matching task the two hemispheres of split-brain patients solved the problems in characteristically different ways .
10 The ‘ Thatcher revolution ’ has affected most areas of British life so it is perhaps surprising how little it seems to have impinged on the NHS .
11 In logical terms , this is the reverse of the first , consecutive pattern , but like it , it seems to have emerged for a mixture of educational and other reasons .
12 ‘ It is unfortunate that so little is known of Carlisle , Luguvalium ( Carvetiorum ? ) , although it seems to have grown to considerable size and may have exceeded 70 acres ( 28 ha ) . ’
13 It seems to have formed through the successive accretion of continental and island arc fragments ( see Section 3.6 ) from then until the middle Cretaceous and at the time of its collision with the Indian Plate it was probably an area of relatively warm and weak lithosphere .
14 ‘ It was their story , everything in it seems to have led to the next thing — now it should have a stop !
15 Moreover , unless Hugh is wildly inaccurate it seems to have gone beyond the simple quarrel between abbot and flock described by the Ramsey source .
16 It was only a cast-iron lump with pushrod valvegear , of course , and with no pretensions to be anything more exotic ; even in 1964 we observed that ‘ although this comparatively unsophisticated six-cylinder engine must now be very near the end of its development , it seems to have gained in flexibility and is virtually free from any temperament . ’
17 Under the Yorkists it seems to have consisted of the Great Chamber or Hall , for public entertainments , the Chamber itself , and the Bedchamber , consisting of the private apartments .
18 This happened at the same time as parishes were being formed , and it seems to have resulted in the extinction of many churches , not only as private property but also as working churches .
19 On the evidence of inscriptions recorded in the volume , it appears to have been in the possession of Amelia , Lady Lovat , in the 17th century , and John , 1st Duke of Atholl , in the 18th century : it seems to have come into the ownership of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe in the 19th century , and from there to have passed to the Wigan Free Library .
20 It seems to have come as a shock to you , ’ he observed .
21 it seems to have changed over the last few years
22 It seems to have originated in the personal computer segment about the time Compaq proved it could supply 286 machines that were comparable to IBM 's … and do so in a more timely fashion .
23 As for Welsh Rabbit , over the years it seems to have evolved from primitive toasted cheese into a dish not all that different from the fondues of France and Switzerland .
24 The whole point of the undergirding cables was to provide some shear bracing and so unless the operation was done with a knowledge and accuracy which were rather unlikely in the circumstances , so as to get the cables roughly at forty-five degrees , the expedient probably had usually as little effect as it seems to have had upon Paul 's ship .
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