Example sentences of "it may well be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , it may well be felt that an old person 's wish to stay with a carer should be respected unless their mental state is so gravely impaired that they literally do not know what they are doing .
2 Indeed it may well be intended as a statement as to what should be the case in the eschaton .
3 And , in all probability , their imaginations will , as they say , boggle because , as you have never seen that scene in your mind 's eye , it may well be riddled with improbabilities if it is not a downright impossibility .
4 Concerned , however , that these words might make him seem too frivolous , in the simple delight he obviously took in playing with his cat , he checks himself with the criticism that ‘ verily it may well be called an idle man 's pastime ’ .
5 Our huggable bunny may well be eaten by a fox , it may well be eaten by us , or it may start to be eaten by micro-organisms , die and be finished off by other microorganisms .
6 I understand it may well be delegated , anyway .
7 The belief that early experience determines adult behaviour is so widespread that it may well be regarded as common sense .
8 If , for example , the driver 's national insurance contributions are paid partly by the haulier it may well be presumed that the driver is an employee .
9 After studying the above ballets it may well be asked what is modern style ?
10 When the history of that unhappy place is considered it may well be asked , ‘ What kind of a ‘ god ’ is it that has failed so abysmally to make good the promise ? ’ .
11 In the matter of misguided teaching , it may well be asked to what extent the missionaries of the western world have contributed to the immense amount of suffering endured by underdeveloped peoples .
12 It may well be pointed out that he could have taken a safer route but this was not possible .
13 In response to this line of thought it may well be pointed out that the subordination of woman to man is depicted in scripture as having resulted from the fall .
14 It may well be argued that the government was able to defeat the General Strike by its propaganda campaigns , the arrest of Communist activists , the use of volunteers and by sheer patience , in allowing the General Council 's Negotiating Committee to spend several futile days negotiating the Samuel Memorandum in the hope that it would provide a basis for a settlement .
15 For the call to liberate the poor , it may well be said , is to be read directly out of scripture .
16 It may well be said that the patriarchal understanding of what it means to be male is abandoned .
17 It may well be accepted that a person who is deported should have greater protection than one who is refused entry , or that a person whose permit has expired has a lesser interest than one whose permit is revoked .
18 I hope that you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , will impound the Secretary of State 's passport because it may well be needed when the full inquiry gets under way .
19 Meetings , Bloody Meetings is the title of a well-known training film produced by Video Arts Ltd , and it may well be shown to you on your course .
20 Discussion and debate may need ( as with the Humanities Curriculum Project ) packs of supporting data , and if paper is short some of it may well be put on overhead transparencies and projected when relevant .
21 However , if the timing of the mother starting work coincides with other disturbing events such as death of the father , it may well be interpreted as a threatening event and lead to some distress .
22 It may well be burnt together with the corpse as an equal form of the physical detritus of death .
23 This seems in principle to be an equally available justification as regards the mentally unfit , even though it may well be deplored .
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