Example sentences of "it down [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Elizabeth had noticed the lighthouse on her flight back to England two years previously , and had marked it down as a place that she must see .
2 I 'll mark it down as a stray . ’
3 There 's no need to actually to put it down as a recommendation that stays forever more , there 's just no need for it .
4 He turned the door handle slowly , the automatic gripped in his fist , held high so that he could swing it down into a firing position if necessary .
5 I shall grow it down into a bob and have it a bit long steppy bit at the back and keep growing it .
6 It was heavy for him , he was glad to set it down for a while .
7 There is nothing whatever to do about it , except , possibly , to put it down for a time .
8 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
9 I gave it a coat yesterday morning and then it hardened up and I rubbed it down with a bit of fine wire wool today
10 I stood in the middle of the road , conscious of my affrontery , flagging it down with a bundle of banknotes .
11 He gulped the syllable , taking it down with a swallow of air .
12 Top the whole thing off with a dessert of chocolate mousse in strawberry sauce and wash it down with a Bordeaux red .
13 Darius grabs a wedge , ices it with half an inch of butter , crams it in his mouth and washes it down with a can of Coke .
14 She raised it high in the air and brought it down with a crash right on the top of the wretched Bruce Bogtrotter 's head and pieces flew all over the platform .
15 Freddie grabbed at his glass and took a quick swig of ale then put it down with a bang on the wooden table .
16 Jackson made his final attempt with the tea , then set it down with a grimace of distaste .
17 Well when they dug the garden , after they 'd dug it they always cromed it down with a crome before they planted anything .
18 Write it down on a bit of paper , that 's a good chap ! ’
19 and Ken we used to write it down on a bit of paper who had what and who owed what and
20 Tell you what I 'll write it down on a bit of paper what page it 's on
21 I like to think there are n't many tricks I miss , but I have to credit Sorrel in that she did write it down on a scrap of newspaper without saying ‘ in case of what ? ’
22 Quiss apologized for setting it down on a hotplate , put it on a draining board instead , and splashed some water over its mask-face .
23 Lesley brought in a laden tray , set it down on a side-table , and distributed cups in silence .
24 Got it down on a piece of paper .
25 Draw it up , and here we just took suggestions from everybody , but what you can do , if you 're on your own , write it down on a piece of paper , and ev , when every time something occurs to you , you put it down .
26 The H B F figure for Greater York was twelve thousand three hundred , the Barton Willmore figure was twelve thousand seven hundred , but they did break it down on a district basis , and they gave five six five o to Ryedale , and then Michael Courcier , represented by Mr Sedgewick , a much more modest figure of ten thousand six hundred , for Greater York .
27 No I went back and got in the car and was fiddling about and I wrote it down on a matchbox you see .
28 Take out the needles from the spirit and with a clean rag , working on one needle at a time , rub each one clean and lay it down on a tissue or cloth .
29 He folded his newspaper and laid it down on a seat beside him .
30 He laid it down on a rock and plunged his arm in the sack once more .
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