Example sentences of "it could be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It could be seen any day in the car parks attached to various chemical plants in the Runcorn area .
2 Britain 's role as Kingston described it could be called that of a peace-keeping force , and his stones of intrigue and skirmish are punctuated by anti-war sentiments .
3 Illness , yes : Harry supposed it could be called that .
4 As for the title , it could be called any one of John Russell 's names ; he had more than one as you will see .
5 Sainsbury 's light and fruity Beaujolais , £3.49 is just right , and on a very warm evening it could be served cool .
6 It could be given assisted-area status because some parts are poorer than the North .
7 It could be said that scripture 's view of the Devil and the evil spirits is mythological .
8 Once youth was seen to figure in that problem , it became illogical to suppose that it could be kept separate from the collectivist response .
9 When the food was cooked , or the teapot filled , it could be kept hot by standing it further along the hob , and frequently the top of the little stove was filled with a variety of utensils each giving off a rich aroma , for Mrs Curdle was a great cook .
10 For as the carriage was always at the front or back , it could be kept private from the rest of the train .
11 The vast bulk of users — housewives , businessmen , students , physicians , truck drivers , and athletes — many of whom obtain their pills through legitimate channels , represented a considerably profitable market provided it could be kept clear of federal control .
12 It could be argued that failure to attend for , for example , part of one school day during any particular week , would not be truancy under the law .
13 Of course paying for childcare could be used against women — the most obvious danger being that it could be made selective ( on class or race lines ) or conditional upon certain standards of maternal behaviour — but there are risks in any advance .
14 If it was restored , its recording facilities could be improved and it could be made suitable for public use .
15 It could be made consistent with the Maastricht treaty ; a broader EMU could gradually evolve .
16 Erm however , if it could be made clear perhaps with an extra paragraph in the explanatory memorandum that I would welcome that .
17 Loud music echoed across the site , so loud that it could be heard 10 miles away .
18 me , aye , it could be developed that 's what you 're saying ?
19 In fact it could be declared false .
20 If you listened carefully to what I said , though , most of it could be taken two ways .
21 Thamesdown Council fears it could be held liable if the alarm batteries failed and somebody died .
22 In some cases , such as defence or law and order , we all stand to benefit from the service and it would be difficult to envisage how it could be financed other than out of direct taxation .
23 Before it could be repaired foreign exchange ran short , and so did government income .
24 well so that 's how it 's pleaded and that 's how we built it into the , these cases which I was referring to where an agreement is the object or the , the means or the consequence of an agreement , they enforce within five , the action is unlawful and of course there 's the final and fourth way in which it could be devoured this , because it , and again quoting the words from the cases , tends to have restricted affect on the market , I think your Lordship you can see how we pleaded it in paragraph two , two , three , it 's enforcing the consequence of the unlawful underline previous .
25 It could be interpreted either way .
26 The list above is only meant to be indicative , and to it could be added those that are difficult to categorise because of their broad nature — loss of confidence , which could occur because of any of the above risks , but is also a risk in itself , and fraud .
27 Television had postponed Manchester United 's scheduled visit to Anfield so it could be shown live on 22 December , the longest night .
28 In comparison with those they had passed along the way , it could be considered small .
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