Example sentences of "it have been [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Creative ’ writing has acquired a bad name ; it has been contrasted with proper grammatical writing , and has come to be numbered among the suspect activities of the Loony Left , or at least with the ‘ soft ’ brigade .
2 Our teachers have mastered its methods with ease and it has been met with great success , interest and enthusiasm by our students .
3 It has been demonstrated with experimental animals , and observed from babies kept in institutions ( like hospitals ) , that lack of sensory stimulation impairs intelligence .
4 What may appear to be an ordinary action , such as picking up a slipper to put it on , can trigger an unusual response from the dog if it has been hit with a shoe in a previous home .
5 It has been trialled with encouraging results : in an informal trial ending in the summer of 1984 the mixed ability class which had done some of the course came out ahead of parallel classes in all subjects .
6 The WOCT does not provide age norms , but it has been piloted with groups of normal and handicapped children , aged between 4 and 5 years 5 months , from lower social class backgrounds .
7 It would be very difficult , if not downright negligent , for such a scheme to fail when it has been overloaded with money .
8 Nick is the man with the baseball glove who can stand at the end of the practice range and catch his master 's ball no matter whether it has been struck with a sand-iron or a driver .
9 A rod that is propped at 45° to the water , quivering slightly as the current pushes against the line , will suddenly slam over as though it has been struck with a sandbag .
10 ICL Plc has adopted Gresham Telecomputing Plc 's ISAM-XA Resource Manager for ISAM files , which is compliant with X/Open Co Ltd 's XA interface : it has been integrated with ICL 's version of the Tuxedo transaction processing monitor ; the product recognises instructions from Encina and TopEnd as well as Tuxedo so that the different transaction managers can collaborate .
11 The disk is not allowed access until it has been validated with the Disknet check program .
12 The disk is not allowed access until it has been validated with the Disknet check program .
13 But it seems that , regardless of the wider implications of the dispute ( it has been bracketed with refusals of voluntary aided status in its impact on religious and cultural autonomy ) , the issue was essentially one of parental choice rather than religion per se .
14 Make sure it has been made with ripstop nylon and has good quality spars and reinforced pockets to receive them .
15 As the Daily Express noted : ‘ Much as I disliked this film and its cheap exploitation of suffering and illness , I must concede that it has been made with the dead-on professionalism that is characteristic of the other ‘ Carry Ons . ’ ’
16 It has been replaced with trellis which is planted with variegated euonymus , five clematis , a climbing rose and evergreen honeysuckles .
17 Though the latter is hardly American , it has been adopted with alacrity by many of these places .
18 In doing so it has been heaped with opprobrium by other sections of the left ( see Kettle , 1984 ) .
19 ‘ A modest house with a small garden where the grass looks as though it has been cut with nail-scissors and weeded with a forceps ; a dolls ’ house , with nothing out of place , everything polished and dusted . ’
20 Amoebic dysentery — since the time of Louis XIV it has been treated with ipecac , a South American plant
21 At other times it has been treated with apathy .
22 Despite the profit-making prospects in this it has been treated with utter contempt on the grounds that charity begins at home .
23 It is not always easy for an applicant to attend on a person to administer the oath and it has been agreed with the Department of Health and Social Security that the swearing should be dispensed with and the signature witnessed by the Commanding Officer or an officer appointed by him to do so .
24 But the case for amiodarone is not proved , and it has been associated with a higher incidence of sudden death .
25 It has been associated with the presence of cervical human papillomavirus in patients at student health clinics .
26 It has been associated with coeliac disease , small bowel lymphoma , and Menetrier 's disease .
27 It now seems established that this organism is inolved in the development of chronic inflammation and it has been associated with 19 to 80% of gastric carinomas .
28 Now , that is a bloody nuisance to everybody erm who is trying to go along the street , which is of such a narrowness or difficulty , that it has been marked with double yellow lines in order to , to facilitate the flow of traffic .
29 They would have read about these things happening , but now it has come to their own door it has been greeted with great sadness . ’
30 Though the vessel does not have an engine or a conventional rudder , it has been equipped with a thruster unit to give some manoeuvrability in the rare event of it going adrift from its location about two miles from the Alba platform .
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