Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
2 A few weeks ago I said there were 10 teams in contention , now I reckon it has whittled down to six .
3 It has come down to personalities and Julia is very disturbed by it all .
4 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
5 The structure of Liberal argument , both at the time and as it has come down to us in modern land law texts , is thus built upon two suppositions .
6 It has come down from 52 per cent .
7 Over the years it has settled down to the equivalent of ‘ dinner for two ’ , thus about £60 in 1990 in Greenock .
8 It had run down in rivulets here and there like tears .
9 The Italian team 's French driver Jean Alesi posed for photographers in the new model but was unable to demonstrate the lightweight 644-B 's abilities at the car 's unveiling as it had broken down on Tuesday before it could be taken on a test run .
10 A bi-partisan approach to foreign policy could be maintained in the most momentous ever commitment in US foreign policy , the North Atlantic Pact , but it had broken down on the issue of China even if ‘ the attack of the primitives ’ , as Acheson put it , had as much to do with Truman 's unexpected victory in the presidential election in 1948 and the consequent fury and frustration of the Republican Party .
11 And it had come down to the Valve to see what the Famlio ship was doing there .
12 Widespread evidence indicated that it had burnt down in the later second century .
13 A few seconds later it had settled down into its burrow nest .
14 They argued that the rapid movements involved in a star 's collapse would mean that the gravitational waves it gave off would make it ever more spherical , and by the time it had settled down to a stationary state , it would be precisely spherical .
15 Active inquiries were suspended and the file crept farther and farther down the heap until two years after Inez Glynn 's disappearance , it had drifted down to archives .
16 Once it was called Murias , and many stories were told of how it had sunk down from the upper world to Undersea .
17 this is the er survival technique take your coat off supposing you in London tube and it 's broken down plus this thing 's not as useful , do you remember what happened , know how starts to get cold , take you w wearing a coat in winter take your coat off
18 Me memory do n't work any more , it 's shut down for Christmas .
19 So when you run to get it started off , you have all your uranium fuel rods in the reactor and you 're control rods and it 's it 's shut down at that stage okay , then you gradually start withdrawing the control rods , and see what 's happening .
20 Thirty three of you thought that men hated women before , now it 's gone down to thirty one so
21 It 's gone down to about five point something has n't it ?
22 That was why it was ever brought to light so it 's gone down to the next generation .
23 But it 's gone down to twenty eight
24 Twenty eight it 's gone down to .
25 Er , you see the number on the left is two hundred and forty one thousand and two hundred and seventy four thousand so it 's gone down by approximately thirty three thousand bytes .
26 So your engine 's doing about four thousand revs and it 's geared down like mad and your tanker is just creeping so you can hardly see
27 I 'm not quite sure yet cos we 're this chicken and egg which starts first I think we 're gon na look at a an an interim type report in year nine a quicker type report I ca n't remember what it 's , it 's written down in my other diary because what I do n't want to happen is to , people to have a onerous report at the end of year nine , cos they 're gon na have to do a report there now
28 You ring up , order a film and it 's played down to your television set almost immediately .
29 Now it 's come down to it , they 're all assholes in our family , to put it politely .
30 It 's come down through the years , this story .
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