Example sentences of "it have be [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing that some foreigners , and even some Germans , would worry about a possible reversion to past behaviour , it has been at pains to show itself to be a reformed character not just by these qualities of good citizenship but by its guilty conscience .
2 It has been for years .
3 That is the way he conducts his business and that is the way it has been for centuries . ’
4 So it has been for centuries , yet the multi-petalled bloom of modern times , epitomized by the modern Hybrid Tea rose ( or , as it is abbreviated , H.T. ) and probably most people 's mental image of all that a rose is and should be , is a product of modern hybridizing and cross-breeding that did not exist even as recently as medieval times .
5 Because it has been in reactors for so long , this sort of plutonium is not best-suited to nuclear weapons .
6 This theme of joy won through suffering was especially powerful in the persecution faced by the early church , as it has been in times of persecution since .
7 Police reports suggested that the countryside was more quiescent than it had been for generations .
8 They used computers instead of quill pens , but the outcome of their labours was still the same as it had been for centuries — trade , the buying and selling of things that other people made .
9 At least until 1917 , and to some extent even until 1945 , Europe was the decisive arena of world power , as it had been for centuries .
10 In 1817 England was still , as it had been for centuries , an agricultural nation , only 20 per cent of the population living in towns .
11 In the eighteenth century the possession of land was still , as it had been for centuries , the only firm basis of influence and power .
12 Indeed , it was better than it had been for months .
13 Still , she kept the place tidier than it had been for months and she did n't mistreat Springsteen , or if she did he did n't complain about it .
14 Her father 's order book was better filled than it had been for years , her mother 's health seemed good , Eileen was happy in her work as a pools clerk , and Tony and Helen were happily planning their wedding .
15 This year , the abundance of berries was the best it had been for years .
16 Hours passed and the wind worsened to the strongest it had been for days .
17 Accordingly , he attempted to shift Marxism away from orthodox theories of an absolute determinism towards the primacy of a concept of ‘ History ’ which , while still a totality as it had been for Lukács , a process with a determinate meaning and end , could also include a concept of human agency and thus articulate the individual with the social , freedom with determinism .
18 He stole the baggage after it had been through customs . ’
19 It 's been under wraps for weeks , but now the political biography everyone 's talking about has finally arrived .
20 And how painful it 's been at times to love you .
21 Yes , it 's been on ages .
22 It 's just the way it 's been for years .
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