Example sentences of "it would [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It would be no trouble for us , maybe , but it 'd trouble those gorgios who pass along the road and they 'd start complaining about us .
2 When lit it would warm both sides and make the atmosphere cosy .
3 It would prevent more tragedies like Michael Watson 's and bring back the skill to the game .
4 It would bring fewer gains to the likes of water companies , which suffer high rates of effective taxation through ACT because capital allowances reduce their mainstream tax bills .
5 Council leader John Williams said he fully supported the scheme and hoped it would attract more tourists to the area .
6 The project has drawn heavy criticism from environmental and human rights activists , who warned that it would submerge some forests and erode others , disrupt fisheries , increase the risk of malaria and other insect-borne diseases , and fail to supply useful amounts of water to those areas of drought-stricken Gujarat most in need of it .
7 Although it was especially developed for babies at risk of allergy , many nutritionists believe that it would benefit all babies to follow a similar , gradual pattern of weaning , If your family is not allergy prone , you can adapt it to suit your needs , circumstances and baby .
8 It would benefit many pensioners who can well afford the fee and would mean that other licence holders would have to pay £116 for their colour licence .
9 It would change all sorts of things .
10 Whatever he backed or took over — insecure but deserving commercial ventures , a struggling publishing firm , an inefficient factory which he refused to modernize because it would make some workers redundant-always miraculously turned the corner and became financially successful .
11 It would mean more facilities for the disabled at polling stations .
12 Civil libertarians would be up in arms but it would mean fewer animals whose final romp is into a killing-room .
13 The Italian government had earlier announced that it would repatriate all Albanians who had not found jobs or obtained political refugee status by July 15 , the deadline for a new immigration law .
14 While some local authorities welcomed part of the proposals , critics said it would create more losers than winners .
15 If the city council was doing its job , it would put those resources to good use on behalf of the tenants .
16 It would save some patients from being precipitated into depression and the concomitant risks of treatment with ECT .
17 The Malaysian government expressed concern over the agreement and warned that , along with other ASEAN countries , it would oppose any attempts to establish a new US naval base in Singapore .
18 And they smiled at one another , collusively , captivated by this broad new concept of social vengeance , and began to plan their guest list : they owed hospitality to half London , they agreed , it was time for a party , it would kill many birds with one big stone .
19 It would take many pages to list all the ones which have been identified by researchers today , but the phenomenon was not just confined to recordings .
20 No doubt the threat of national paralysis seemed much worse than it was : after all it would take many weeks for the full effects of a national strike to have an impact .
21 He told us that it would take many weeks to sort out and would involve a variety of procedures , such as a medical , reports from the school and visits .
22 But it would take many years before Nordhausen became a green town , many years before it could even start to ease back on the pollution it coughed on to its inhabitants and the surrounds in which they existed .
23 Clearly at a basic level if you just gave someone a board and lake to practise on , apart from being dangerous it would take many months of frustration for them to work out what to do .
24 It was fully recognised by the Government , moreover , that it would take some years for normal conditions to be restored .
25 It would take several minutes at least to get back to the Bridge .
26 Further impractical solutions include forbidding obese people to reproduce : the effect of this would be surprisingly small , and it would take several generations of extremely unpopular enforced birth control to even halve the rate of obesity in the population .
27 Can we oppose the checkerboard strategy on the ground that it would produce more instances of injustice than it would prevent ?
28 It would find few backers among politicians worried about jobs and living standards rather than market share .
29 France made it clear to New Zealand that it would allow more imports of lamb and dairy products into France if New Zealand reduced the charge against the couple to manslaughter and then deported them .
30 That raised some eyebrows , but Philips disclosed last month that under a 1984 agreement with the company it would fund any losses that Max Grundig 's creation made .
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