Example sentences of "it will have [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 it 'll have to go on the document location erm sheet B eight or something is n't it ?
2 It 'll have to go in The Advertiser .
3 It 'll have to go before t ’ planning committee , ’ the Mayor said , ‘ but as you 're all in agreement I 'll do what I can . ’
4 I think so , just about , now put those slippers on Arthur , you 've got a cold coming now you drink it while it 's hot , that 's a good lad oh I 've put the pudding on now , so it 'll have to steam for about two hours at least two and a half
5 Whatever its merits , however , it will have to live in the shadow of W T Stearn , whose magisterial Stearn 's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners is already out in a revised edition ( Cassell , 1992 , £16.99 , 0 304 34149 5 ) , and whose Botanical Latin has just appeared in a 4th edition ( David & Charles , £25 0 7153 0052 0 ) .
6 In Fig. 5.2 the demand curve will shift upwards and the Bank will have to respond in its purchase of bills , i.e. it will have to decide on the new position for .
7 Tomkins ' shares have come down , falling from 260p to 220p on the extra shares it will have to issue for this bid .
8 The less successful a government is in controlling the PSBR , the more it will have to borrow through bond issue to prevent money supply from growing too fast .
9 their demand for control can not be restricted to one of self-government within the enterprise , but it will have to aim at the development of a complex institutional system that will be able to strike a balance between the need for worker autonomy within the enterprise on the one hand , and the need for economic co-ordination at higher economic levels on the other .
10 It will have to wait for me , like a newly opened birthday present while you go off to school .
11 IF tomorrow 's semi-final between Liverpool and Portsmouth at Highbury requires a replay , it will have to wait until a week on Monday , because of Thursday 's General Election .
12 MITI had hoped to get the legislation through by next month , but it now looks as if it will have to wait until autumn before the ministries have talked it over .
13 It will have to wait until Monday . ’
14 E. Walters says in future it will have to import from overseas to stay in business .
15 If they can not agree it will have to go to a public inquiry .
16 That is what they 're saying and I think that that can only be seen as eminently reasonable and I think that that Edward has hit the nail right on the head when he says look if this issue is not properly considered locally there can be no alternative if Government fails in its duty to call it in in the in the interests of of the local communities and the region at large , then it will have to go to Brussels .
17 If councillors recommend development , it will have to go to Welsh Secretary David Hunt for a final decision .
18 It will have to take into account externalities and distributional effects .
19 If a coherent theory of literacy is to be developed , it will have to account for the place of written language , both in relation to the forms of spoken language and also in relation to the communicative functions served by different types of language in different social settings .
20 It may be able to replace the funds it has lost by borrowing from other parts of the non-bank private sector , but if it fails , then it will have to resort to residual finance from the monetary sector .
21 When the economic recovery comes it will have to start with businesses like Electroloid in Aylesbury .
22 Pick Systems Inc has recognised for some time that it will have to concentrate on the database side of Pick 's personality in order to survive , but currently only around 40% of sales comes from Pick for Unix , with a few percent going to the MD-DOS implementation and the native Intel Corp iAPX-86 implementation accounting for the biggest part of the business .
23 However , Ybarra claims SunPics ' reluctance had more to do with the fact that henceforth it will have to pay for Adobe imaging technologies like PostScript and display Postscript .
24 If creditors turn the proposals down , the company warns that it will have to restructure under Norwegian bankruptcy laws , which would mean it would be 1994 or 1995 before anybody got paid .
25 It will have to rise to those heights where shear between two wind layers gives a choice of wind-direction , and plentiful turbulence to sustain lift .
26 After it has killed one or more rabbits it will have to come to terms with its duties and thereafter it is fitted with a muzzle .
27 If Labour wants to attack ‘ greedy investors ’ by using regulation to cut ‘ excessive profits ’ , then capital spending will fall — or it will have to come from a government that can ill afford it even on Smith 's numbers .
28 I think what we 've all to pay for this erm that we will perhaps it will have to come from somewhere and again of the Council Planning Department as we we do erm continue .
29 So perhaps it will have to fend for itself .
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