Example sentences of "it and he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He was a little surprised at how much pleasure the prospect gave him ; the sense of frustration and failure which had dogged him when he first arrived in England had disappeared almost without his realizing it and he had become enormously restive .
2 is going to talk about it and he 's gone .
3 Yeah I know and he started munching it and he 's made it all soggy .
4 Does n't matter which conference it is , he 's watching it and he 's got his own ideas about it . ’
5 Well he 's obvious they 've obviously the group has bought it and he 's got it and he 's gon na say do you want to buy
6 Caught him with a screwdriver in his hand he 's admitted he 's done it and he 's got let off .
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