Example sentences of "it and [adv] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But he 's also saying is n't he at the end of this paragraph , or he 's implying that th this is this revolution is not happening because we the communists are making it happen , it is happening and we need to react to it and somehow we 've therefore got a choice , we can either trail behind or we can lead it .
2 Turn right onto it and soon you come to Tregaminion church .
3 A lot of time we 're just messing with the amp and getting it sounding pretty cool , and then the engineer will whack something on it and away you go . ’
4 That 's what I do n't understand because the message is going to the brain to do it and yet I try and I ca n't .
5 Our modern parental investment individualistic view would n't allow you to make that error , instead you 'd say you know you 've got ta look at the costs and benefits of the mother too and perhaps there are benefits to mothers in actively testing as it were their offspring , erm rather than just passively er accepting that they 're gon na have to be mothers and gon na have to get on with it and again you see , er I would er and this may have been the big mistake I made last year , er but again I stand by my er view on this and it 's a perfectly defensible one , erm again I think those who say that abortion is unnatural and kind of erm offends against er you know nature , are wrong .
6 Following Sunday I came down to wash it and polish it and now we 've got blue stickers in the bathroom the heater !
7 Now you have it and now you do n't .
8 I usually have to come in seven o'clock , that 's how I did it and now I 've been over here sort of mucks the whole system so I 've got a driving lesson tomorrow night , I ca n't cancel that
9 ‘ I knew it and now I have remembered .
10 No , no they just take your word for it and now I have got as I said , I 've got that , I 've got to paint that over and reseal and I 've got to make sure that nobody makes a mess in there , but the plumber said what you really need to do is to get rid of this cheap and tatty , horrible plastic tray which does n't come right to the edge of the tiles
11 I bought it and now I want to sell it . ’
12 Sometimes the hotel managements know about it and sometimes they do n't . ’
13 I 've always enjoyed it and sometimes I wonder if er probably , as I think I 've think I said before , erm this goes back to what kind of a secretary you 've got , you see .
14 And you doing it and sometimes I have to say , I 'm sorry about this but I 've , I 've , I 've , I 've got ta go to the !
15 Well sometimes I get it and sometimes I do n't .
16 And so we moved into it and then we 've been here ever since .
17 You have to mean it and then they know there is not argument .
18 They seem to get it and then they settle down .
19 Er they done the broken metal and then they put on the top of it and then they come along with a watering cart and er splashed water on it and then
20 to do it and then they do n't really want them any more .
21 Oh I do n't want the arguments of about who was helped , okay you carry on , you argue , that 's alright number five , read it and then somebody tell me what it means .
22 cos if you go to do anything voluntary they look , look into it and then you 've got trouble with your dole money
23 So all I do is go through this , file that , oh yes , yes , file it and then you 've got your client files and everything , file everything , the pile goes down , some of it 's bin , binned .
24 Yes , every now and then the temptation to do something sort of very cool and very sort of ten point Univers and you do it for a bit , and you 've done it and then you use some proper faces instead .
25 ag again that 's why I do n't want you to be heavy cos I do n't want say to say oh you know you 've brought us you know , fifteen pages and we worked our way through it and then you know at the end of the day we do all of it , yeah
26 and you work really hard at it and then you go back and do your
27 I mean it 's hard t y I mean you come away with a list of t things that you 've talked about , maybe headings and that 's about it and then you go and build your own notes up .
28 from right next to the needle down to the point and just go round it and then you weave it in and out like basket stitching and out over the cotton and under the cotton
29 Well no , you have to scarify it and then you have to you have to carry on the work , you ca n't sort of do it and then think , ooh I 'll leave it for a couple of months .
30 do n't matter , it just feels clean , I 've had it short and shaped , have a good shape on it and do you know the next time you have it cut I do n't know you want looking at , now the next time you go , go to the Darrow in Milford yeah because you 're in problems and they know you need it because he 'll give you a good shape on it and then you have it shaped once a month or once every three weeks or once a fortnight and keep it looking nice that way and it 's four pounds , four ninety nine , four ninety , four seventy five yeah but just keep it nice and shaped and it wo n't look any different , there ai n't nothing wrong with it mm mm mm no no right , right , right tra la
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