Example sentences of "it be no place for " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the barmaid , we were the only women there , and the two youngest women in our group had a long discussion : one defended the secret solidarity of the men , the other said , " it 's no place for a woman , I could n't stand it . "
2 It is no place for you . ’
3 It is no place for PROs to go snooping around collecting information to put out in a defensive public statement before its true significance can be established .
4 Yet I did , in some small way , feel that the house was part of me , and I liked its creaking bouncing floors and its spartan coldness ( it was no place for lolling about ) ; its medley of doors — some Norfolk latch , some brass door-knobbed ; the ancient cloudy glass in its leaded windows ; the odd corners , shelves and cupboards ; its air of fragility , of dignity — for it was indeed very old ; and above all , its village shop smell , of paraffin , strong kitchen soap , cough sweets and aniseed balls , prunes , string , and tobacco .
5 It was no place for a man to live .
6 When we followed her into the bedroom she ordered us out , saying it was no place for kids .
7 It was no place for a gentleman .
8 It was no place for idle talk then : there was too much action for gossip .
9 It was no place for Cedric .
10 Her worst was when she got in the way ; backstage timing sometimes had to be precise , and it was no place for someone who was still taking in the sights .
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