Example sentences of "it be for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder , therefore , if I could ask you to take only one copy — would it be for the IBM/CMS or the Sun/3 with UNIX configuration ?
2 The more continuous and lasting a direct interpersonal encounter , the harder will it be for the encounter to assume a purely instrumental quality .
3 Sometimes she dared to wonder at the causes for this way of life , for she could see that it did not represent a normal attitude towards society , though it was so deeply bred in her that all aberrations from it were for the rest of her life to seem to her perverse : but when , occasionally , she glimpsed some faint light of causation , she recoiled from it and shut her eyes in horror , preferring the darkness to such bitter illumination .
4 And after it being for the money , I thought being an elf would please my son . ’
5 It 's for the rest of our lives really .
6 It 's for the Parquet to decide how it wants to treat it .
7 No it 's for the base .
8 We do n't see it , we 're not affected , it 's the province of the great unwashed and unlamented , it 's for the morons , it 's a bore .
9 Well it certainly should be because it 's for the families , for the young children and they , they ca n't understand what it , all of it is about so it should be kept as simple and as short as possible .
10 And , come to that , can we any longer rely on the received doctrine that it 's for the Chief Constable to decide on the allocation of resources ? ’
11 When you begin to feel guilty , remind yourself that it 's for the child 's sake .
12 And the reason is , it 's for the benefit of taxis , cos , everybody knows , that London taxi drivers are above the law .
13 Now , here again , in the past , group selectionist thinking had tended to the view that all you need for sex if it 's for the benefit of the species is a regular male , a regular female , doing the regular thing and er everything will be alright .
14 Well I get involved in it in so many different ways erm this is a difficult one , but one of the things that happens is that a number of teachers , both from the area and elsewhere , erm do advanced courses at the university and as part of these courses we have a unit on evaluation , and for this they will choose some area of their school work which they and their colleagues — and I emphasise that this is something they do have to involve their colleagues back at school in very much — erm feel it would be useful to look at and then they try and discuss with their colleagues what aspects of it are important and significant and what ought to be seen , and they bring this discussion back and we all discuss together there 'll be different teachers working on different problems the different ways in which they could approach this problem and how they might most usefully be able to do it and at the end of the exercise they will have found out quite a lot about this particular area of teaching and very often we find that the people they 've consulted have themselves got quite interested in it and begun to realize that it 's not being done in a way that 's there to threaten them , they 're not sending a report to the headmaster or the Chief Education Officer or anything like that — it 's for the benefit of the people doing the work themselves .
15 it 's a , it 's for the students for God 's sake , I mean they should n't be making like more hassles .
16 just turn them off , and that 's it Just normal conversations the words that people use in common different areas of the country , with accents and th dialect and one thing and another it 's for the Oxford English Dictionary the next edition .
17 Ah , Ruthie — it 's for the boy I grieve . ’
18 ‘ I wo n't say that it 's for the school , Gowie , ’ he says , ‘ for I know that interests you not at all . ’
19 That 's what it 's for the country .
20 We award points for wit and delivery , but most of all , it 's for the content of the speeches .
21 He may not be able to see the political and general interest wood for the specialist trees , and there is a sense in which there are obviously dangers of that kind erm and the generalist has always taken the view that it 's for the specialist to be able to explain his problems in language which , after all , politicians who take the final decisions will have to be able to understand .
22 It 's for the preservation society .
23 City Diary : Boom or bustmdash ; it 's for the pew
24 You think it 's for the amusement for the benefit of the owner rather than the dog , quite an interesting point .
25 No individuals will be identified , and really it 's for the future , er , so you , there may be the opportunity of er , new words , recorded .
26 It 's for the kids , ’ she says to Freda Leader , our next door neighbour .
27 how do you know it 's thingy ? , how do you know it 's for the kids in Norway ?
28 It 's for the baby that you will have in ten months ’ time . ’
29 Wasted it it 's for the house in n it ?
30 The client should be advised of this , and at the same time that it is an undesirable feature of a leasehold estate : then it 's for the client to decide whether to proceed .
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