Example sentences of "it be in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cessation of hostilities reduced its political weight , but so effective had it been in the 1918 election and so important was the ex-servicemen 's vote , that it could have been played a while longer .
2 Also , had it been in the first instance the officers of Albinus , there was a need to consider the townspeople since it was they who must have supported him for his bid for the purple on the expectancy of rich return on his success .
3 Well er wo n't it be in the other one , catalogue .
4 OK , so will it be in the next announcement or is it in there already and IBM Corp just has n't told anybody about it yet ?
5 It might be possible otherwise to go would it be in the local paper .
6 It were in the 1920s and it was a passenger train from Cleethorpes to Doncaster and the driver , well , he was a hard , fast driver and he was n't popular with firemen .
7 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
8 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
9 It were in the 1890s .
10 It 's just so dumb , I mean the whole movie is like , it 's in the nineteen seventies , yeah , and like they 've all got these big fucking boobs and they 're stuck out in space it 's fucking odd .
11 I believe it 's in the best interest of all the family .
12 Its spokeswoman said : ‘ I have n't seen the Paul nude yet , but I 'm told it 's in the best possible taste . ’
13 It 's in the black bag .
14 erm , I think it 's in the future care , I rather think that perhaps the future care ought to have been five hundred and nineteen , not five hundred and seventeen
15 What I 'll erm , what I 'll do next week on this is a rather problematic topic this one erm it 's in the general section .
16 Maybe it 's in the re-discovered Viking city , now covered over by the Civic Offices .
17 It 's in the Irish Times like on the property section
18 ‘ How will I know when it 's in the right place ? ’ he asked .
19 You can feel how the child is positioned with your hands and if it 's not well , I turn it round until it 's in the right position .
20 those lens , make sure it 's in the right place
21 But we we will make sure it 's in the right place .
22 So it 's a process , it 's got interests , it 's related to a state and it 's in the international arena , very good , very good , a lot of erm er a lot of very good things there .
23 I would n't have thought it 's in the real realms of practical politics to persuade the German government or indeed any other government to renege on a contract which has been signed .
24 Yes , it 's in the front room .
25 Yes , it 's in the front room .
26 Yes because it 's in the other list , the other papers
27 Er , it 's in the other magazine I fetched from work after the I 'd left them at work .
28 It 's in the other room .
29 It 's in the other room .
30 No it 's in the other one .
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