Example sentences of "it be this [noun sg] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 However , it 's the notes in the former chord which by intervallic interchange become chromatic notes in the latter chord , and it 's this approach which produces the most effective results .
2 And it 's this approach which is a key the scheme 's success .
3 I feel that it shows itself in the contrast between the child 's — we 're talking about children for the moment , although obviously there are dyslexic adults — it shows itself in the contrast between the person 's ability to express him or herself in words and their ability to put it down on paper and to read it off paper , and it 's this contrast which often arouses one 's suspicions that there might be some problem and , having gone into it a little , we find that it stems from a failure of the sensory motor system — the brain is n't processing the information it 's receiving through the ear and eye .
4 It 's this dream which prompted Rita to leave her Caribbean home for Canada six years ago .
5 And it 's this journey from external reality to the profound truths of art , a journey which takes Proust through a series of investigations of the nature of time , the nature of the intellect , the nature of memory , it 's this journey which I must now attempt to trace , and I perhaps just ought to say that I think I get abstract once or twice from this point onwards .
6 It 's this version which is now recognised as the rarest Dylan record in the world and valued in Neal Umpred 's Goldmine Price Guide To Collectible Record Albums as being worth $10,000 , though a bid of over $12,000 eventually secured a deal .
7 It 's this combination which has made Stoddard Templeton the proud holders of the Royal Warrant since 1966 .
8 This is the role of commercial group 's distribution services and it 's this department which has drawn up a new packaging policy and code of practice .
9 I would perhaps rather always see the " real " world in respect to art in these terms — that to know an object is to transform it , and it is this transformation which is the form and imagery of art .
10 It is this consideration which leads directly to the way that social representation theorists conceive of the process of anchoring , and the need to widen this conception , so that everyday thinking can be understood in terms of opposing psychological processes .
11 We can suppose , then , that only justified beliefs can justify others ; and it is this thought which generates the regress .
12 And it is this approach which leads to denunciation of Derrida as a nihilist ; in Frederick Crews 's words , ‘ an intellectual nihilist , though a learned and exuberant one ’ .
13 It is this approach which Sweden has begun to adopt .
14 It is this quantity which is normally determined during calorimetric experiments ( see below ) .
15 It is this will which is inherited .
16 It is this intimacy which permits and often begets intensity , and the world of the spirit is much the poorer when such works are suppressed .
17 It is this question which is the ultimate one ; the others are a screen to hide modern man from his real self , as T.S .
18 It is this decision which is taken to mark the beginning of the Hundred Years War .
19 It is this decision which will affect the size , scope and financing of the enterprise , and determine other operational criteria .
20 It is this negligence which is termed ‘ recklessness ’ by the decisions in Caldwell and Lawrence .
21 It is this expectation which gives the work its edge and you will see a side of Peter Pan and the Ferry Girl which perhaps only exists in our darker moments .
22 Thus the tied cottage system emerged directly from the desire of farmers to control labour supplies — and it is this concern which remains at the heart of the system today .
23 It is this requirement which requires a listing of the population members , or units , from which the sample may be drawn using a random procedure .
24 It is this personhood which is the Monster 's ultimate objective .
25 It is this diversity which provides the fresh and stimulating argument which makes the Cambridge Seminar format so successful — and it is much helped by the differing backgrounds of the members .
26 It is this conflict which leads increasingly to the urge to treat people as groups rather than as individuals — but it is an abnegation of responsibility on the part of the leaders and for the future it will not do .
27 It is this publication which gives them their force as a form of evaluation of schools , particularly as the intention of this part of the Act was to give parents information upon which to base their choice of school .
28 Some concern has also been expressed about the impact of conglomerate mergers on the economy and it is this issue which is addressed next .
29 It is this issue which in part the SEA has addressed .
30 It may well be that there are good reasons for following customary practices or for rejecting them in favour of new ones , but teachers ought to know what these reasons are , for it is this knowledge which provides for adaptability , the alternative realization of principles through techniques appropriate to different instructional settings .
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