Example sentences of "it be the [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the streets I like .
2 It 's the houses they dreamed and sketched .
3 Mm I know , but it 's not that , it 's the games they 're just plain rubbish and cack and like that .
4 It 's the others I 'm worried about .
5 Yeah I know , I think it 's the glasses he can actually see me now or something
6 He wo n't pick the names , he he picks up , it 's the ones he already knows .
7 It 's the roads you know where our house is ?
8 I think it 's the things you collect that give a house character . ’
9 It 's the women I hate , I quite like older men . ’
10 ‘ But if it 's the giants you 're wanting to fool , then it 'd be the grand old Draoicht Suan , ’ said Pumlumon , and the Gnomes nodded sagely and said that would be it , the Draoicht Suan it would be , the spell that had kept the Trees fast asleep for so many years now , and was n't it a powerful strong spell and Pumlumon the fellow to be spinning it for them all ?
11 It 's the lives they lead , ’ she explained .
12 It 's not what they said , it 's the looks you got from some of the screws , as if to say , ‘ You should n't be laughing , what have you got to be happy about ? ’
13 Huli men and women live separately , and so when the women go to bed at night , it 's the pigs they curl up with .
14 It 's the hens she 's worried about . ’
15 It 's the trees they go for , given half a chance .
16 Is this great big painting , a mass of colours , you know , but a wonderful time , cos it 's the children you need
17 It 's the children I mind for , ’ Mrs Bean said .
18 Erm I think it 's the equals I du n no but
19 It 's the words they 're interested in , not what you actually say and the
20 You see what we 're saying , it 's , it 's the words you use in your objective .
21 It 's the airfields they 're after . ’
22 It 's the edges you 've got to do look , not inside it .
23 After all it was introduced , and Mrs Thatcher has made a great deal of the fact that it is a head tax not a property tax , it 's the voters she wants answerable , well I 've yet to find an empty house that voted .
24 So I think it 's the cats she catches anything from .
25 Mm but no what I 'm sort of , getting back , I mean , you know , I do n't I think it 's the kids I mean , I du n no why ?
26 Remember , it 's the lyrics we 're interested in , we know Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the music .
27 It wo n't be just this week , I thought , it 's the doors it opens .
28 It 's the notebooks I want back .
29 Oh it 's the voices I ca n't stand .
30 It is the responses they provide which constitute the data recorded and analysed .
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