Example sentences of "it be the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But of course , had Alexander 's argument and Lewis 's interpretation of it been irrefutable , had it been the kind of thing which compelled religious certainty , then all the philosophers in Oxford would have fallen to their knees when they had finished reading it .
2 Just the sort of behaviour , in fact , that , had it been the work of the lads from the local council estate , would have resulted in a platoon of plods descending at great speed , batons ready in the best of LAPD fashion .
3 Had it been the director with a retained shareholding of 30 shares who had died on 31 December 1986 , his estate too would have had the benefit of business assets relief , but at a lower percentage deduction .
4 Nor has it been the result of government action and state control .
5 However , the reaction is extremely complex and current ideas about it are the subject of hot debate .
6 The birds that do it are the oilbirds of South America , and the cave swiftlets of the Far East , the ones whose nests are used for birds ' nest soup .
7 The graph is connected if any two nodes in it are the ends of a path .
8 Sited by it are the Baths of Neptune ( already described , see Baths , p. 52 ) , the Palaestra , the theatre ( 152 , 154 and PLATE 18 ) , and the Piazzale delle Corporazioni .
9 The work of a French doctor , Jacques Duval 's Des Hermaphordits , Twelfth Night and As You Like It are the focus for an exploration of the ways a culture 's sexual discourse plays a critical role in the shaping of identity .
10 of CalMac employees who remain in the public sector , why can not it be the case with the rest who will be transferred to the private sector ?
11 " Could it be the guns of a relief force ? "
12 After Nunney Castle goes to the seaside will it be the turn of double-chimneyed Clan Castle pictured at Loughborough by JOHN EAST .
13 Or could it be the waitresses at the Groucho Club do enough of that already ?
14 Would it be the mind of the assembly we hear Mr now and we deal with this addendum ?
15 Should it be the demand for money , and if so how should that be measured ?
16 Should it be the supply of money , and if so which measure ?
17 Would it be the policy of the Labour party to legalise those drugs ?
18 Will it be the Pope on a unicycle ?
19 Would not it be the height of folly to give away our own independent nuclear deterrent while any potential aggressor has the ability to strike at us ?
20 Nor , more abstractedly , could it be the result of a perspective on the informational content of the brain ; for , in either case , the perspective would have to be the occurrence of some further brain or informational state and to both of these the scientist has complete access , and the problem reoccurs .
21 Or should it be the rate of interest , and if so at what level ?
22 Could it be the years of experience it takes to know where the grape is just ripe or perhaps the skill needed to reach that perfectly balanced wine .
23 The mother , being as it were the core from which the family springs , causes all its members of the family to lose their bearings when distanced from .
24 The vote against him was taken after the Secretary of the Society explained that ‘ we have constituted ourselves as it were the guardians of their [ women 's ] interests and in many cases … the custodians of their honour …
25 The first tourists to come to it were the townspeople of Bayonne , who traditionally made their way to Biarritz to bathe , by donkey .
26 It seemed to me it were the type of place you could sit and do your knitting .
27 He waved his hand munificently in the direction of the sideboard , as if it were the bar at White 's .
28 She spun to find a little bald woman — Chesarynth 's mind seized upon the woman 's finger-socket as though it were the badge of some sisterhood — and said , ‘ Yes . ’
29 The Venerable David Silk , Archdeacon of Leicester , summing up the theological opposition , said that in ordaining women the Church of England would ‘ cease to be part of the Catholic , apostolic church and would be behaving as if it were the whole of Christianity , or a mere sect ’ .
30 How dare he look so composed , so unaffected by what had just happened between them , when her own stomach felt as if it were the epicentre of an earthquake ?
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