Example sentences of "it be [adj -er] for she " in BNC.

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1 Do I want the moon to " supply her losses " like an efficient steward , or would it be better for her to " heal wounds " , like a surgeon ?
2 Harriet Tremayne , her mother , had been strongly against this , but Tom , her husband , a charming , indolent and indulgent man , had argued , with a certain degree of logic , that ‘ the girl had to do some kind of war work ’ and that it was better for her ‘ to do something she had set her heart on ’ .
3 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
4 Eileen 's commanding officer took them to a room and gave them tea , and tried to explain to them that it was better for her to remain .
5 He drove them to the station and they returned , sad for their sister and still not convinced that it was better for her not to come home .
6 It 's not my family you know , ’ because it was better for her to stop .
7 It was safer for her simply to go underground .
8 It was easier for her than for many , for she had always lived in two kitchens , under the different and Indifferent ministrations of two cooks .
9 It was easier for her to see Chris now .
10 For various reasons , intellectual , historical and sexual , it was easier for her to accept things as they were than for Peter .
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