Example sentences of "it be [v-ing] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's getting them to push it and keep in keep in line .
2 That 's how long it 's taking you to do on the paper .
3 It 's trusting me to understand the significance of it and why they are giving it to me . ’
4 It 's helping them to understand the immense pressures on them to stay forever in the closet .
5 Well , I 'm basically interested in the way in which education , or formal schooling , has attempted to prepare girls for their lives in the future , whether it prepares them for a life of , say , motherhood and working in the family , or whether it 's encouraging them to do work outside the home and try and achieve in the areas that men traditionally achieve .
6 So er and god knows what it 's costing them to collect .
7 It 's telling me to go away . ’
8 And it 's asking you to put in the bar lines .
9 It 's asking us to save them from being depicted in overexposed snaps , and from being constantly pointed at by male senior citizens .
10 It 's enabling us to get the effects we need in blends , primarily with wool , mainly for women 's wear .
11 I 've tried to be sensible about getting back into it , which is strange for an athlete , and it 's forcing me to temper my enthusiasm and take the training easy . ’
12 Joanne often felt that she could have taught a topic to the whole class in a fraction of the time it was taking them to find it out for themselves .
13 She stared out of the window and thought she could write a book in the time it was taking them to get to Nice , which really was just around the corner .
14 whenever it was telling it to ring
15 It was killing him to leave his isolation , but leave it he must .
16 In the beginning I did it to look good , cos I wanted the money , towards the end it was doing it to live , it was literally doing it to live .
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