Example sentences of "it be [adv] [prep] she " in BNC.

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1 It 's maybe for her . ’
2 It 's there in her wonderfully thoughtful , inward account of Quilter 's Now Sleeps the crimson petal on the ‘ Blow the Wind Southerly ’ disc of British song ( Disc 8 ) , in Schubert 's Du liebst mich nicht in the Edinburgh recital with Bruno Walter ( Disc 9 ) , even more so in the tremendous outpouring in Von ewiger Liebe in the same recital , and in all the Vier ernste Gesänge with Sargent ( the version with piano is much less communicative ) .
3 So , if you 've got a sister who 's a Rainbow Guide , do n't forget to tell her about this super section — after all it is especially for her , although you might find it useful too !
4 It is enough for her to know that things are going badly for Mrs Thatcher and the Tory party ; the details of the Westland affair do not engage her interest .
5 It is so like her to ask if you may go and nurse her until the spring , like her self-indulgence — ’
6 It was just like her , to be super-efficient after an emergency , when normal people are wanting to curl up somewhere soft and ease their battle wounds .
7 It was most unlike her to wake before it was time to get up .
8 It was exactly like her to go away and not get in touch with her parents .
9 It was so unlike her to slump that I felt a new alarm .
10 ( It was so unlike her to tease . )
11 Two days later , he brought me a charcoal drawing of her , very lightly done , a sort of dream-like impression and it was so like her , it captured the essence of her so minutely , that I could not believe he had never seen her , only listened to me . ’
12 It had appeared , it would move on , but for this moment it was there for her — almost as if it had waited for her to be alone .
13 She immediately felt sure that it was all over her and began to shiver and tremble .
14 It left her free to be moved by the whole range of feeling , which was fragmented by personal action : the enmeshed lovers , the pleasure of the children , the beauty of her daughter , the fondling of the gentle night air , the great sky deepening gradually but surely , as it was being veiled in film on film of darker blues and velvets , it was all for her .
15 It was all around her .
16 Later , later , she would tell him — of the embassy , Papa and J.D. — but for the moment it was enough for her to be the wounded girl whom he had healed .
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