Example sentences of "it be [adj] [coord] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 And even if it were enforceable and there 's three how would you decide which two of the three could do the job .
2 But it 's not , it 's flourishing and there 's plenty demand ca n't get enough slates and er yes they say they 've got er terrific overheads this and that , er well erm they can put them figures there they change the tune changes every day .
3 ‘ I do n't mind , ’ he said , ‘ as long as it 's strong and there 's plenty of it . ’
4 It 's absurd , it 's diabolical but there is no way of escape .
5 At least with some kind of trance it 's subtle and there 's a whole different atmosphere .
6 Now of course it 's mechanised and there 's one man in a tractor and that 's it .
7 I do n't really like it round here — it 's dirty and there ai n't hardly any shops .
8 I 'm not getting into a fight over some silly little first-year whether she 's your sister or not , and if you 'll excuse me , this porridge is bad enough hot , but cold it 's inedible and there 's a long way to go till lunchtime . ’
9 I think we should n't leave it too late before we come because the shops all close , it 's cold and there 's nowhere to sit .
10 ‘ All that means is it 's cash-in-hand and there are women involved somewhere .
11 It 's voluntary but there 's what you might call a lot of job satisfaction . ’
12 Fusil said : ‘ Their feet will get wet in the mud and the paths are dangerous because it is slippery and there is a steep drop down to the river . ’
13 the rich nations no longer have the stomach for sending their men to fight unless it is safe or there is a threat to the rich nations ' own pampered existence , and
14 Certainly it is patchy and there are setbacks , but that trend is clearly visible in continent after continent .
15 It is open and there is much movement between the inside and the outside .
16 Yeah well it is cold but there 's no snow
17 It is morning and it is sunny and there is a world to be explored .
18 It was blustery and there was the constant peppering by grit , but I was well protected and enjoyed watching the storm .
19 Inside it was cool and there was a seat that took the weight off her swollen feet , and they watched as gleaming brass plates were trailed in front of their eyes with the regularity of a hypnotist 's charm , and she looked at Dan and he said no thanks and walked out .
20 The bulk of it was unprocessed but there have been moves towards processing it away from Japan and the industrialized countries of the region .
21 It was dark but there was a full moon .
22 It was warm and there were flowers in a little silver vase with candles lit for them .
23 Outside it was cold but there was no rain .
24 It was quiet and there was no one about : no stray dogs barking and running loose , no bored kids riding round and round on bikes on the tarmac-and-broken-glass wastelands of open ‘ play areas ’ .
25 ‘ I believe it was a very fair offer which would have given him the option of walking away with his dignity , but he said it was derisory and there are no more offers to be made . ’
26 It was damp and there were rats outside .
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