Example sentences of "it be [adj] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I know so I think it 's negative so that negative five's the answer but anyway
2 It 's bad enough that he should get two things wrong about what is perhaps one of the best known poems in the English language .
3 It 's bad enough that Timothy 's mooning over her like a schoolboy , wet behind the ears .
4 It 's interesting actually that it says on all the outsides of all the tapes Aston Business School so I 'd just like to say for the benefit of the tape recorder and the British National Corpus , this is where the Business School ends and this is where Psychology takes over .
5 It 's interesting though that that you talked about that sort of identifying with the old companies , even in the nationalization days .
6 no , but she sort of said , about her mum and dad , I mean , it 's true , 'cos her dad was on overseas pay and he was in Cyprus , and it 's it 's different now that they 're back in England .
7 I think it 's important also that having done that that also replies the eagerness and activity in which it was
8 It 's important again that we were seen around in the business community .
9 The people in wheelchairs , it 's fair enough that they ca n't get their own dinner , but they should at least go to the back of the queue like we have to , but they push straight to the front .
10 Well it 's true enough that some school days are happy ( for example , the school day before half-term holidays , the school day before Christmas holidays , the school day the boiler blew up and we all got sent home early etc , etc ! ! ) .
11 It is appropriate here that I quote from passages in the report of the headmaster Mr which was furnished to Norwich City College .
12 It is probable therefore that from 6d to 9d a week is as much as labourers ' wives in general , hereabout , earn on an average the year through .
13 It is essential therefore that the West , and especially the countries of the European Community , give their support . ’
14 It is essential therefore that bodies manage their finances efficiently and apply them effectively to maintain development .
15 It is essential therefore that easily remembered navigational devices are built into the environment .
16 It is essential therefore that the managers are highly motivated .
17 It is crucial therefore that these guidelines are followed in all cases :
18 It is encouraging too that these links have not been restricted only to those centres which themselves offer both SCOTVEC advanced courses and degrees .
19 It is ironic both that the new architecture of the masses should eventually have ended the dominance of great houses , and that more ordinary men and women should have become protagonists in the novel , for these were not the developments , either in life or in art , that Disraeli had in mind .
20 It is fortunate also that I , as Mayor , have full powers as a Magistrate .
21 It is certain only that they passed through Dulverton , and within a week were home once more , bringing with them ‘ many pleasant , and some of them droll enough , recollections ’ .
22 It is strange therefore that the signal box instruments revealed it as clear , the signal must have been at green , or had a heavy weight been lying across the signal wire ?
23 It is arguable therefore that the provisions dealing with the residence of trustees as a body of persons in TCGA 1992 , s69(1) are not applicable to the non-resident trust code .
24 It is rare indeed that a composer of this stature comes to light , uneven though she is , and rarer yet for any composer to be served with performances of this quality .
25 ‘ What is important is that international financial assistance is well-packaged and well-planned and that it is visible so that people feel that international aid really helps . ’
26 It is self-evident then that scientists should in no way be hampered by non-scientists in their pursuits , even when these seem to possess vague political or ‘ social-and-economic-factors ’ like the construction of nuclear bombs , the risk acceptability associated with the use of atomic reactors , nuclear waste disposal plants , new species of bacteria by means of genetic engineering , cloning , the use of fetal tissue as transplants , or brave new thoroughly modern theories on intelligence based on race .
27 It is possible however that the current Ethiopian regime has ignored the compromise reached by its predecessors .
28 It is possible here that his claims ( if any ) against the manufacturer for misrepresentation or negligence will fail because of an exemption clause which satisfies the requirement of reasonableness ( imposed by sections 8 and 2 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act ) .
29 It is possible also that the increased expenditure might alleviate the crowding cost associated with a greater number of people , and in this case the curve would shift to the right , thereby increasing the optimal number of individuals for the community .
30 It is possible too that women were trading off the traffic safety of the secluded footpaths for the personal safety of the well-lit roads .
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