Example sentences of "it be [art] [noun sg] he " in BNC.

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1 There is a particular kind of French personality who always pronounce the word francais as if it were a football he is heading towards less privileged mortals .
2 Brutal it were the way he knocked the other feller about . ’
3 In fact , facing page 119 , there it was , with Westerby duly posing in front as though it were an animal he had just hunted to its death .
4 It 's a route he has just retraced for the character of Fergus , the IRA man who attempts to re-make his life in The Crying Game ] , an experience Jordan understands well .
5 It 's a wonder he did n't go mad .
6 But it 's a wonder he does n't .
7 The way he was brought up I suppose , but it 's a wonder it it 's a wonder he 's got any business at all !
8 Do you know , it 's a wonder he ai n't fat as a pig , him .
9 I thought cor blimey it 's a wonder he can walk look at that you would n't believe that today would you nineteen ninety two oh no wonder they all come over here , is so really , ca n't blame them if that 's the sort of quality of life they 've got
10 It 's a pity he is not a bit more French . ’
11 I SYMPATHISE with Kevin Eason after his car accident but it 's a pity he did n't mention the fire brigade whose members help save thousands of lives on our roads .
12 In fact , it 's a pity he is n't in the game now .
13 It 's a pity he ca n't kill himself with drink , ’ muttered Heathcliff .
14 It 's a pity he is n't a lecher , ’ said the Archdeacon with regret .
15 It 's a pity he does n't have it repaired instead , ’ Sabine said .
16 It 's a pity he did n't get a surprise and find himself dead .
17 It 's a pity he could n't stick to something like that cos I mean ex-policemen can get jobs like that no trouble ca n't they ?
18 It 's a pity he do n't go and do that it 's a pity he ca n't drive and go and do that
19 It 's a pity he do n't go and do that it 's a pity he ca n't drive and go and do that
20 It 's a quality he 'll need to cultivate in the days ahead . ’
21 And it 's a quality he put to good use when he performed a parachute jump to raise money for a girl who suffers from a rare heart condition .
22 It 's a shame he did n't stick to chess instead of cards , ’ the old man finished .
23 It 's a shame he did n't say that before he asked me to marry him . ’
24 It 's a shame he 's not married , he 'd be a wonderful father . ’
25 It 's a shame he ca n't play against his old county , but I 'm looking forward to it because I had a happy season with them last year .
26 They 're invited in to talk about a particular thing that 's coming in , about noise or about rats in the basement or about how to , and the interviewer has a very vague idea it 's a topic he 's heard it , he 's thought about it , he thinks it 's a local thing , and he 's actually trying to get something out of it in a sense .
27 He 's throwing in the towel and it 's a towel he 's never even held anyway , ’ said Mrs Mainwaring .
28 It 's a miracle he 's walking about , is n't it ?
29 It 's a miracle he was n't killed either by the electric cable , the fall or an oncoming train , ’ said police .
30 His brother Pete said : ‘ It 's a miracle he was n't killed . ’
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