Example sentences of "it be [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 so what happened to all this Yeltsin thing right , has has it been so much build up , speculation of the West , you say thirty years of build up on our part is being wasted , we 've really got nothing to fear of the Russians ?
2 Had it been less well done , someone as prickly and paranoid as Alex Household would have bridled , would have pointed out that to lose a part at the beginning of one 's career was rather different from losing it after twenty years in the business , would have made some bitter retort .
3 How else could it be so swiftly known that a prominent member of the Royal College of Acupuncturists , say , had been picked up during the night and pinched for drunk-driving ?
4 The timber industry , which offers jobs and promises , is popular now , but will it be so fondly regarded in 2005 when all of Sarawak looks like this ?
5 What was occupying his mind , as vividly as if it were even now taking place , was the moment when he had said , ‘ That is absolutely fascinating , Norman , ’ and then realized it was supposed to be the end of the programme .
6 so that it were n't even made sure that it did n't
7 Yeah I wanted one , it were n't even mentioned .
8 Though , just for the record , I would n't have tried to do anything of the sort if it were n't patently clear that you do n't feel anything lasting for your fiancé . ’
9 And er it were n't uncomfortably crowded in there .
10 If only it were n't so cluttered up with oil installations , it would be so lovely , for the glimpses of countryside through the pipelines hint at the kind of rural charm which is a real balm to salt-stained mariners in from the sea .
11 If this pattern continued she would probably die ; if it were not shortly reversed she would be likely to suffer permanent damage to her brain and reproductive organs .
12 as if it were not enough to battle the elements and their colleagues ( the crew includes a freaked-out Naval officer with a nuclear warhead and an itchy finger ) , Harris and Mastroantonio are a husband and wife with marital troubles .
13 Yet the customs surrounding it were never clearly defined .
14 Where a country espouses outward-looking policies , it may continue to behave in many important respects as though it were still domestically focused .
15 Both BBC viewers and those who did not watch the BBC were agreed on balance that it was biased towards the Conservatives though those who actually watched it were more evenly divided on the direction of BBC bias than those who did not ( Table 6.1 again ) .
16 If it were more forcefully to challenge the ageism that underlies the social structure , would it be in danger of provoking a backlash from those of its supporters who do not wish to be reminded that all is not well , despite their charity ?
17 And for me , it represents an opportunity to complete the kind of Freud-Darwin synthesis I 've been working on really , for the last ten years , and it kind of represents the completion of the synthesis , as it were now completely merged in my mind into a single , the single kind of entity that I , I know call psychoanalytic .
18 Their importance as a model of convection has diminished , it being almost universally accepted that they are a suitable model for the original problem only at relatively uninteresting parameter values , and their claim to physical relevance now rests mainly on their connection with the Maxwell-Bloch equations for lasers , and on convection problems in specially shaped ( usually toroidal ) regions .
19 People do n't reject Darwin 's book on the emotions just because it 's , it 's rather heavily tainted with Lamarckism .
20 Self-select P E Ps are a little bit different , is that when you , you the managers give you a choice of shares and it 's rather like pulling the handle on the one-armed bandit , you say right , I 'll start with er er I C I and I 'll back that up with B A T , and , and you leave them in for as long as you want , and you pay a charge when you move the shares , so you can actually control the P E P .
21 It 's like , it 's rather like asking Henry Kissinger to sort of er er give us some advice on foreign policy in Sou in South-East Asia or whatever .
22 It may be human nature to dread each turn of the decade , but it 's equally so to grin and celebrate the Big Birthday when it comes .
23 We assert that strong trade union relationships , on a day to day basis , must be developed in a bilateral form and this agreement provides for substantial trade union cooperation in the European Community and beyond , and it 's already materially advancing the interests of our members and assisting the development of free and independent trade unionism in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Republics .
24 It 's fine walking country in any weather , though it 's probably best avoided on Bank Holidays and summer Sundays .
25 It 's probably really bowled one !
26 I would have think it 's probably still acclaimed
27 Well , if you sent your money fairly recently , it 's probably still sitting in their offices unopened — Turbosoft still hold the lease on the building , and until it 's taken over by another company the GPO have no authority to recover and redirect mail .
28 It 's probably still accelerating .
29 4/5 Mum Quick Dry , Azure , ‘ The fragrance is pleasant — not overpowering — it 's amazingly quick drying and it 's effective all day even in a hot office .
30 I do n't mind dropping in and saying , hello , we we are getting to a size where , er I think it 's speci slightly impractical , I mean er I can see there was so might be useful to know there 's a new member of staff here , it 's either then say there was somebody wandering around , who are you and what are you doing here .
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