Example sentences of "it be [adv] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Definitely a few , but it 's not made of feathers , that , sir , I can tell you . ’
2 It 's not made of matter — like the surface the beetles were on — but that 's not to say it 's nothing . ’
3 It 's not made of plastic .
4 His answer is immediate and emphatic a good hunter , he says you know what a woman wants in a , in a husband is a man who can you know bring home the bacon literally , er it 's not smoked of course , but it 's fresh !
5 It 's well known of me that I am not subject to shame .
6 I think it 's often thought of as a way of men getting rid of their aggression and if they can go out there on a Saturday and shout and ball and scream , then that 's fine !
7 Erm I mean kids can do , of a similar age , can do enormously abusive things to each-other in which case it 's often thought of as things like bulling or erm or or something like that y'know I mean for example I know somebody who attende was educated at Rugby and you know he was he was buggered silly by the other boys who also wired him up to the mains and stuck billiard cues up his bum and all sort of things .
8 It 's er it 's like made of blackthorn and the upper part of it 's all little knobbly and a head like a a head turned in like a h like the head of an a of a bird .
9 It 's actually forgotten of course that Bristol is ne nearer London er than it is er to Cornwall .
10 ‘ This is not just becoming more common , it 's actually expected of older , successful businessmen to take up with younger wives .
11 It is principally made of neoprene , the material used to make wetsuits , and at the top end of the range will incorporate a hinged system designed to prevent the knee from over-extension .
12 It is rarely spoken of as a lively city , and never as a promiscuous one .
13 ‘ Although it is not made of gold , it is true that gold is a very common metal there .
14 His state of nature is not Hobbes 's , for it is not composed of individuals following their natural instincts and living in fear of each other .
15 And that this , according to ancient legend , is because it is largely made of gold ? ’
16 For many endoscopists , the squamous columnar junction is considered as the representative of the oesophagogastric junction and the segment distal to it is frequently thought of as a ‘ hiatal hernia ’ , because of the presence of gastric mucosa .
17 But the Army is making war not because of any fanatical nationalism , nor , as it is frequently accused of doing , out of ideological fanaticism .
18 It is neither composed of VC holders or aspirants nor of those who in earlier days would have been shot for cowardice .
19 The local organisation , ZEMELDICA , which Mrs Venizelos refers to , does not merely include local landowners — it is exclusively composed of them .
20 The association also welcomed the duty of care placed on people who produce waste to make sure it is properly disposed of .
21 When they try to stunt the growth of waste and to ensure that it is properly disposed of , governments face a real quandary .
22 In all cases where it is possible that wrecks may cause a future problem all steps should be taken to ensure that it is properly disposed of to avoid any possible future Third Party claims .
23 I myself shall be there , since it is clearly expected of me , and thus there will be no need of a chaperon .
24 It is chiefly composed of the paired antennal or olfactory lobes which are prominent swellings situated on the anteroventral aspect of the brain and Innervate the antennae .
25 It is rightly said of him that he was always a pedagogue , but he is a pedagogue in the courtly nineteenth-century mode of Professor Agassiz , who sets up the controlled experiment and invites us to participate in it , not in the hectoring and charismatic mode of the star of the lecture-hall .
26 It is often complained of by many that a meeting will take five minutes to agree the expenditure of ten million and two hours to debate a minor item worth only a few thousand .
27 It is often said of the Prime Minister that he retains all the instincts and skills which were politically honed during his time in the Whips ' Office .
28 It is sometimes said of Parliament that , say , it can make it a crime for a Frenchman to smoke on the streets of Paris , or that it can not turn a man into a woman .
29 It is sometimes said of bodies such as the CICB that they owe their existence to exercises of ‘ prerogative ’ power , but in this context , this means the same thing as saying that the body was not set up by statute .
30 For the purposes of analysing intonation , a unit generally greater in size than the syllable is needed , and this unit is called the tone-unit ; in its smallest form the tone-unit may consist of only one syllable , so it would in fact be wrong to say that it is always composed of more than one syllable .
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