Example sentences of "it be [pron] [noun sg] who " in BNC.

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1 For those Celtic supporters who have had to tread a thin line between desperation and devastation this season , there was no inclination to do anything other than wallow in it being their team who had put an end to Rangers long , unbeaten run .
2 No I thought , cos I , I remember reading erm I think it 's her father who owns one of the bookshops in Woodbridge and he had this book on display , you know he sort of erm advertised it if you like and it 's , it 's properly published and everything but he had it as a a book available in his store and there was an advert in the Anglian about it , and I remember reading that she said er that he said er cos it was his daughter who had the child , that it totally knocked them for six .
3 It 's her brother who 's the problem . ’
4 . And i the the lady who runs the personnel department , it 's her husband who on the ship .
5 It 's his wife who 's upset about the way things are going . ’
6 It 's his wife who normally does things .
7 They said their lives had been ruined , but Mr Lanaghan says it 's his family who 've really suffered
8 It 's your nephew who 's got all the explaining to do .
9 Has it not occurred to you that it 's your father who dissuades Matthew from making friends of his own age … talks him out of seeking other work ?
10 Normally it 's your doctor who makes the appointment . ’
11 However , it should be remembered that whilst the master policy will refer to the financial institution as the ‘ Policyholder ’ it is their client who is our insured customer .
12 This comes only when , after a lowering of tension , the boys are summoned from London to the newly constituted Samavia and Marco , expecting to see his father as a loyal subject near the throne , is rewarded to the full for his devoted service , as he realises it is his father who is the restored King .
13 It is your husband-to-be who declares ( or will declare , and of course I may misquote ) that poets are mirrors of the tremendous shadows which futurity casts upon the present , and the unacknowledged legislators of the world .
14 If it is your mother-in-law who has come to live with you , even greater efforts will usually be required on both sides if there is to be peaceful co-existence , for this is always a challenging relationship ( there are not too many Ruths and Naomis around ) .
15 One Afro-Caribbean mother in my study , who was living on benefits with her partner , described how it was her grandmother who bought her daughter 's shoes , while her mother
16 It was just a place where she had been left , and as she grew out of infancy she knew that it was her mother who had left her there .
17 It was her mother who had done wrong .
18 She knew then it was her mother who must have been hurt .
19 It was her mother who had told her about Timothy 's frequent visits to the village of Yelton , and Tipper who had confirmed her mistress 's story , adding that Amsterdam was a gormless idiot and Topaz Chilcott a dirty slut .
20 It did open , at seven minutes past , but it was her father who entered the kitchen .
21 And when Sam was snapped topless in Majorca , it was her father who struggled with a photographer to try to save her honour .
22 So why was it and how come that Madame was claiming that the opposite was true and that it was her father who was the person out of favour ?
23 Her own parents had played such a game , but in their case it was her father who had played the mild , the foolish role .
24 It was her father who brought colour to her cheeks by saying simply , ‘ Lori , do n't you think it 's time you grew up ?
25 In both characters ' lives it was mainly men who had oppressed them , for Phyllisia it was her father who preferred her sister , Ruby .
26 Training to be a teacher and with a wisdom that belied her years , she explained that it was her half-brother who was now living in Mainz and had suggested that Erich ( the Dusseldorfer ) travel down to Tonga to look for a wife .
27 Paige felt her heart thudding wildly in her chest , but it was her aunt who spoke first .
28 Katherine started awake , confused for a single moment , images of the dream in which she had shot John Lewis still vivid behind her eyes — except now when she raised the gun and pulled the trigger , it was her son who spun away , red blossoming on his shirt .
29 There was an urgency about the way he moved which caught Alice 's attention , but it was her husband who spoke first .
30 made a Lady , or made I mean she was given that title , or actually I 'm dead against the fact it was her husband who was given the title , erm but to abstract away from that at the moment , somebody who 's been in public service all their lives and who 's devoted much of their life to the cause of the people , I mean I realize that an awful lot of people would think that Margaret Thatcher has n't done that , but let's say that , for the sake of the argument , that at least that 's what she intended for the time being
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