Example sentences of "it be [prep] [pers pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 At five fifty , it 's against you all on the left , at five fifty , any more at five hundred and fifty pounds ? is nine seven six , thank you .
2 Four eighty against you now at five hundred five fifty five fifty seated , any more at five fifty , it 's against you all on the right now five hundred and fifty pounds .
3 Three fifty , three eighty three hundred and eighty pounds now , any more , it 's against you all at three hundred and eighty , any more ?
4 ‘ Nor should one forget the ignis fatuus , familiar as it is to us all . ’
5 that 's hard job to find out what to do it is for me any rate
6 Can you say what it is about them that threatens you ?
7 ‘ You certainly know how to be angry with a man , querida — but it was worth it all to hear you apologising , on that journey back from the hospital .
8 A tilt to the left and it had taken his wing and was driving him back down to the ground ; correction to the right and it was at him that way , turning him round and out of control .
9 Oh , how doubly difficult it was for them both .
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