Example sentences of "it be [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Had it been a ploy it would have been a rewarding one , but Vanessa was not given to ploys .
2 Had it been a Saturday we should have stayed to see the cheese market .
3 Had she been less committed to parenting , perhaps because her children were older and seen to be less in need of her support , or had it been an event which threatened a role or idea to which she was less committed , perhaps losing a part-time job which she did not enjoy , the effect would be less threatening .
4 Treasure and the maps to locate it are the stuff we dream of , whether the treasure be a golden Celtic torque or a Roman pottery shard is not as important , perhaps , as the quest and excitement of making the find .
5 I mean the only people who do it are the parents themselves .
6 After a long pause , Claire said , ‘ Would it be the Gardai who opened them … ? ’
7 Should n't it be the people who have as their driving force the desire to reveal truths about human life ?
8 She repeated the word softly , testing the sound of it on her lips , as if it were a word she had never heard before .
9 There is a particular kind of French personality who always pronounce the word francais as if it were a football he is heading towards less privileged mortals .
10 History is taught as if the industrial revolution , the most significant event since the development of agriculture , just happened , simply by the outworking of blind economic forces ; and as if the only people to be consciously aware of it were the aesthetes who reacted against its artifacts , or who , like Karl Marx , sought to analyse those forces and to predict their course .
11 Brutal it were the way he knocked the other feller about . ’
12 For if it were the man himself would crumble .
13 I were thinking , oh it were the day you came up with them and then you went off to , er
14 Well it , it were the variety you got at .
15 In chapter nine of The Form Rolle uses this Jesus prayer to recapitulate the whole progress in love he has so far described — it becomes as it were the tool which shapes and conveys his understanding of redemption : The prose is orchestrated to a climax .
16 As though I did not exist ; as though it were an automaton who cleared brambles and counted magpies .
17 In fact , facing page 119 , there it was , with Westerby duly posing in front as though it were an animal he had just hunted to its death .
18 It is no longer fashionable to discuss the Industrial Revolution as if it were an event which happened between 1760 and 1840 .
19 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
20 In recognition of it being a charity which had acted in the public interest , the judge awarded only three-quarters of the costs , estimated at £50,000 , against the conservation group , which is considering an appeal .
21 So erm the funeral , with it being the weekend it wo n't be till next , next week the funeral .
22 It 's a route he has just retraced for the character of Fergus , the IRA man who attempts to re-make his life in The Crying Game ] , an experience Jordan understands well .
23 So i i it 's a standard you know dinky little thing like y you us you use You know the with their little twirly thing and er the you saw the
24 It 's a lellow I mean a yellow tie .
25 It 's a change we were both prepared to take .
26 We s it 's a word we use quite a lot .
27 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled shallows of the ocean .
28 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled depths of the ocean .
29 It 's a word which everyone is using and it 's almost like confetti .
30 It 's a word you are unlikely to find in the dictionary but , if you think of it as the opposite to ‘ extrude ’ , meaning to thrust or push out , then the term becomes more understandable .
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