Example sentences of "it [subord] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually the experience might have to be repeated , in her own defence , but she could not hope to find much more in it than she had found in this first venture .
2 Was there more to it than she 'd supposed ?
3 ‘ We had a good laugh about it once she 'd got over the shock .
4 She would absolutely hate it if she had to submit her family to that sort of ordeal .
5 She would have hated it if she had to admit defeat , and crawl off to a hotel somewhere .
6 She 'd tried to keep the newspaper story hidden from her because she did n't want to discuss it until she 'd had more time to get her thoughts in order … but of course mother had found it and started questioning compulsively about abortion , what exactly was the law on it now , how did you get one , where did you go , what did it cost , things she must have heard Dorothy and her friends discussing a hundred times but which the newspaper report had triggered into today 's obsession .
7 She did n't want him to see it until she 'd had time to think .
8 I want a bigger bike but she 's not gon na ride it until she 's had the baby .
9 So I 've just left it until she 's finished with it .
10 No , no , Dinda used it cos she 's got a camera with so many gadgets on .
11 She had never been to Suffolk , but had chosen it because she had found out that property there was cheapest and the rates lowest , of all the counties within reach of London .
12 Was it because she 'd broken the seventh commandment ?
13 She 'll stay there even if she does n't like it because she 's got to provide for them .
14 She knew it before she had reached the landing .
15 I pushed the bloody bitch into it after she had cursed me for not handing over every penny in my pockets !
16 So whether it whether she 's realised this
17 There was a tumble-drier in the kitchen ; she had seen it when she 'd gone in there to call Anne .
18 She 'd sensed something when he 'd first stood in the garden with the children ; she 'd sensed it when she 'd opened the hall door to him .
19 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
20 But it 's the way she 's saying oh I 'm so sorry but I have to go back on it when she 's agreed to something .
21 Clara liked it as she had liked everything that afternoon , but even as she stood there and admired , and heard the history of the lump of mosaic , and listened to Martin 's views on Candida 's view on the social connotations of goldfish , she began to feel a sense of overwhelming fatigue .
22 She had almost touched it as she had turned , and had seen again the blood on the sawdust and the fear and the faces staring .
23 She was only half-committed to the new idea herself , not nearly as sure about it as she had made out to Nails — heaven knows how they would fit in all that training , teaching three boys to ride !
24 Cos every , cos really the should go direct to her , and it as she 's taken notice of you yet .
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