Example sentences of "it [vb past] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The movement of a large number of sellers in the parallel market would drive down the price , and push up the yield until it equalled that in the discount market .
2 The library reference room was on the Fludyer Street side of the building and although it housed some to the 5,000 volumes in the manuscript library , some had to be distributed throughout the passages of the building .
3 Ted lived with his mother , an arrangement which , while it lacked many of the usual tragi-comedy trappings of such situations , did present certain problems .
4 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
5 As a baby brother to the all-singing and dancing Publisher 's Paintbrush , it maintained much of the functionality of the more expensive product , but at a vastly reduced cost .
6 With the river , the hemmed-in churches , and certain pubs , it provided much of the raw material of The Waste Land .
7 Moreover , it reported some of the speeches and activities of Nyerere , who led the nationalist party ( TANU ) from its formation in 1954 .
8 It retained many of the traditional features of stations , including a clock-tower more than 100 ft. high , and large circulation areas adorned with tiles with Maori motifs , and frescos depicting New Zealand scenes .
9 The district council 's public relations manager Chris Trim said the District Commercial Services was separate from the council and run as a public company , although it used some of the council 's facilities such as payroll and computers .
10 His death was , on the contrary , so unexpected that it found several of the key political figures away from court .
11 His death was , on the contrary , so unexpected that it found several of the key political figures away from court .
12 It attracted some of the activists of the DUAC and leftists from both the NILP and the republican movement .
13 It comprised some of the very best of the Black-Earth belt , but after the Revolution it had been trampled over first by the Red Army advancing on Kiev from Kharkov , then by the German 20th Army Corps , and later by ruthless and bloodthirsty ‘ Green ’ armies .
14 Mr Seymour headed an inquiry into the Bellgrove crash but when his report was eventually published , it ignored many of the recommendations of a separate fatal accident inquiry into it .
15 It was the First World War because it affected most of the people of the world .
16 But it seemed many of the biggest news stories came from the world of industry , most notably , the miners ' strike .
17 It rained most of the time , and when we were kicked out of the youth hostel for the day we walked around and sat in bus shelters .
18 Weather did not deter them ; it rained most of the time and they traversed ground that had little or no trace of thoroughfare .
19 After previous days ' lovely weather , disappointed that visibility was poor and it rained most of the time .
20 It linked this to the economic problems of the city , claiming that employment was affected by the ‘ sectarian image projected by the city fathers ’ .
21 Though it captured much of the dynamic of British and American FDI in the pre-oil shock world , it failed to anticipate subsequent developments in corporate strategy or indeed what had motivated investors from other countries .
22 no so it was saying how times have changed , but they used to be very , very stuck up and it showed some of the early programmes and how people used to talk , oh so frightfully posh and so frightfully gorgeous and the words , and , it 's rather pleasant is n't it , really rather nice
23 He named it Stegman ( a steg is a male goose ) and it spent most of the summer on the reservoir but always wintered at West Birk Hatt .
24 Like the Middle East Commandos from which the bulk of the unit originated , the SBS never quite obtained the recognition it deserved , being little known even within the theatre in which it spent most of the war .
25 This took the place of a pre-release course ( which would be impossible to plan in an institution where some men were so far away from release and others might be released on parole licence at very short notice ) but it covered many of the same topics .
26 There was a rival party in the field , the Ghana Congress party ( GCP ) , founded in 1952 by Dr Busia ; it included several of the erstwhile UGCC leaders , but despite some impressive names it operated from a narrow base .
27 It brought both of the Lorrimores to their feet in an incredulous rush , but they had only to look at the faces crowding behind her to know it was true .
28 Home Secretary David Waddington has been speaking of his sense of outrage at Saturday 's Trafalgar Square riots saying it brought some of the most ferocious violence ever seen on to the streets of London .
29 When the first draft of Li 's report was presented a fortnight ago it incorporated many of the demands for faster reform voiced earlier this year by China 's elder statesman , Deng Xiaoping .
30 It saw much of the fighting between Moors and Christians during El Cid 's lifetime .
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