Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It became increasingly a political pariah , relegated to a marginal position in society , which could be safely ignored by influential opinion .
2 And then it became perhaps a troublesome er entity .
3 It seemed rather an historic moment , but I put the thought aside ; one must not get sentimental , and everything had been done properly , had been left in order and as it should be .
4 It seemed rather an odd thing to do , but perfectly in tune with the occasion .
5 It seemed quite a tall order at the time but in practice it worked out well and proved to be a most enjoyable experience as well as one of our more memorable tours of duty .
6 In it he said that the Scottish financial sector did nothing to help the country 's economy , that it benefited only a selected minority , and that it put little back into Scotland .
7 This hospital was apparently established in Knightsbridge in 1778 , but it survived only a short while , Snape having been left in the lurch by noblemen who promised financial support .
8 In fact , it covered only a small bald patch at the front of his hairline .
9 It required only a limited number of Joyce 's searing denunciations of Jewry to undo all his leader 's soothing words .
10 Although it is thought it contained only a small amount of money , there is concern about confidential documents which also went missing .
11 The extent of Britain 's interest can be gauged by its response to the invitation : it sent only a civil servant to the preliminary discussions on a common market , and he eventually withdrew completely in November 1955 .
12 The students and others were highly critical of the Dip.AD for a number of reasons , not all of them compatible : that it did not impart a sound technical training and failed to produce good design practitioners ; that it was becoming so academic in content that it was losing touch with the market-place ; that its status was popularly regarded as inferior to that of courses in other subjects which led to the award of degrees ; and that instead of a network of inter-related courses imparting a wide range of studies , it offered only a small number of ladder-like disciplines .
13 Furthermore , it offered only a static picture of the corporate executive and fails to visualize him as caught in and conditioned by organizational processes of career advancement .
14 It offered only a short-term credit , and that hedged about with oppressive conditions .
15 It took just a split second to find out the hard way about the pain and disruption so many families in this country go through every year .
16 It took quite a long time to climb up to his preferred perch on the monster , even using the bits of wood and string he 'd painstakingly tied to it … him .
17 It proved only a partial victory for Parker who had died in 1902 and it was not until 1919 that the first Moderators or de facto bishops were inducted to ensure higher , more uniform standards and greater control from London .
18 The earth seemed to be breaking up , and as it did so a white vapour erupted from the soil .
19 While accepting wholeheartedly the value of this sort of study — the discipline that goes by the name of philology in English-speaking countries — Saussure argued that it gave only a partial account of linguistic phenomena .
20 well yes , yes I wondered whether I 'd got it right you know , it sounded just a silly thing to ask and erm and I erm had to consider that probably asked whether I had erm made a mistake in my shorthand before , before I actually typed it but erm , anyway they seemed erm reasonably satisfied and everybody was very kindly and erm considerate and
21 Mm , so it sounded quite a dangerous place to be with cranes moving about and trains all over the place .
22 Like the Gendarmerie , the Sûreté was a pan-Indochina service , owing loyalty to the state interests of France , not of the native sovereigns , of whose territories it had nevertheless a free run …
23 Call Me Old Fashioned , I thought was a good title , and A Licence to Print Money would have been another good title for a bestseller , but it had rather a rapacious sound do n't you think ?
24 A fat , pale child with yellow hair , smiling , jam on its upper lip , unless it had also a red moustache .
25 He heard Paddy 's whisper from where he was kneeling in the front row and it had quite a chilling effect .
26 It had quite a strong catch on it by the look of it
27 It proved immensely effective at communicating party campaign themes to the electorate , but in the short span of an election campaign it had only a small influence on the public 's issue-agenda .
28 In January 1937 it patched together a new ‘ united front ’ campaign in association with the ILP , the Communists , the Left Book Club and Tribune , around a programme of defence for the Spanish Republic , opposition to rearmament by the National government , support for the struggles of the unemployed and the affiliation of the Communist Party and the ILP to the Labour Party .
29 The vicar also held the chaplaincy of the deserted hamlet of Horn in plurality , but it yielded only a trifling 13s. 4d. , and he seems to have had no other benefice .
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