Example sentences of "it [vb past] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Sir , when did it stopped being compulsory for you to have a tetanus jab ?
2 If it had been impossible for one reason or another to use a boat on the water I would have done the best I could with a plummet and noted what I could see from the banks .
3 The thought of it had been impossible for so long that it took some getting used to .
4 It had been awkward for me to ask our family doctor to prescribe it : he knew my husband and I had parted some time ago .
5 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
6 With this scene of confusion before his eyes it seems unlikely that he would have contemplated using any wheeled transport , even supposing that it had been available for his use at the time .
7 It had been dark for an hour when I got back to the car park .
8 It had been dark for hours .
9 It had been dry for weeks , but there were thunderheads over against the mountains and the atmosphere was heavy with the hint of rain .
10 In the old days before the local government reorganization of 1974 , it had been possible for Local Education Authorities to make their decisions relatively autonomously , with a view to the educational needs of local children , and under the guidance of often very high-powered and imaginative Chief Education Officers .
11 However , since there had been open and vigorous debate about what everyone wanted , it had been possible for her to exercise considerable discretion on the department 's behalf when ordering , or selecting at book suppliers .
12 If it had been possible for a bird to stop still with surprise in the air , and stay exactly where it was , that rook would have done it then .
13 If it had been possible for the old Castle to grow darker , Grainne thought it would have done so in the hour that followed .
14 Until 1925 it had been possible for Communists to be represented in all sections of the Labour Party but at the liverpool Conference it was decided to exclude them from membership .
15 But it had been simmering for a couple of years before that .
16 Even the Darwinian theory of evolution was impressive , not because the concept of evolution was new — it had been familiar for decades — but because it provided for the first time a satisfactory explanatory model for the origin of species , and did so in terms which were entirely familiar even to non-scientists , since they echoed the most familiar concept of the liberal economy , competition .
17 Their closeness was less due to their nearness in age — though with only eighteen months between them it had been easy for them to grow up with similar interests and shared confidences — than to the fact that neither of their parents had ever made much of them .
18 He never kept a catalogue of his stock , so it had been easy for Cleo to pour out a generous measure from each flagon on the upper shelf in Wakelate 's workroom .
19 She 'd only met him a few times , but it had been easy for Julie to see that Ross Wyndham was even more Leo-like than his wife .
20 Sally-Anne loved a dare , and Terry Rourke 's appeal had been frank and animal — he had excited her , and it had been simple for her to lie to her mother , to set out to go to a girlfriend 's home on the following afternoon and meet Terry instead .
21 In the circumstances ( that is , of Jack 's plan to have his wife and mistress under one roof ) it had been necessary for Patrick to move , and Patrick , being distinctly better , had moved , or had been moved .
22 But if it had been necessary for me to do so , I would have concluded that the whole loss should be borne by Union Discount .
23 But we were told recently by a delegation from the french Senate , studying British methods of scrutiny of Community legislation , that they had great difficulty in obtaining copies of Commission legislative proposals and that it had been necessary for them to establish an office in Brussels to ensure a reliable supply .
24 When her father died it had been necessary for her to do some kind of work and the training in librarianship had seemed the most suitable .
25 Although they knew that it was a volcano , it had been dormant for centuries , and they had no records whatever of any eruptions .
26 He heard himself , it sounded like a door opening somewhere inside him , it was an old door , it had been stuck for years , you had to heave on it , you needed all your strength , and then it gave a few inches , and cried out as it gave .
27 For long before 1946 , it had been customary for Parliament to preserve an oversight of such central government delegated legislation by requiring that such legislation be laid before it in some form or another .
28 At school we were weighed regularly — at the beginning , middle and end of each term — and it had been customary for me to record my weight in my diary on all these occasions .
29 It had been empty for several years and was dirty , damp and severely vandalised .
30 She knew it had been hard for her Mother when her Father had shipped her off to the United States to escape the war .
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