Example sentences of "it [vb past] one [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As I grew up in Kensal Green — which is just up the road from Ladbroke Grove — it became one of the areas the first wave of black immigrants came to .
2 Along with Bologna , Oxford and Paris , it became one of the great centres of medieval scholarship , attracting students from all over Europe .
3 It became one of the most successful in the district and in 1920 was amalgamated with Hunt , Winterbotham , Strachan & Co .
4 It became one of the best known ‘ psychotogenic ’ drugs .
5 Although the Harter Act compromise was seemingly counterintuitive ( how could the carrier be allowed to exempt itself for its own mistakes of navigation and management ) , it became one of the most internationally influential laws ever enacted by the United States Congress .
6 Under her leadership it became one of the most respected periodicals in the field .
7 Of liberal disposition , he opened Thirlestane House to the public and it became one of the greatest attractions of Cheltenham .
8 In doing so it became one of the few countries where the brand has an active agency handling Guinness through the retail distribution system .
9 in Hungary it produced one of the performances , completing five laps in pre-qualifying , the best of which was 23.5secs slower than Thierry Boutsen 's pole winning time .
10 By contrast 85 per cent of the pupils were said by their teachers to have no experience of Example 14 , although it produced one of the highest success rates among the lowest third .
11 It involved one of the biggest names in the rock world .
12 It snatched one of the sticks that Philip was holding and dragged it to the far side of the feeding-place , barking .
13 Piaget 's work is important because it provided one of the first developmental accounts of the emergence of logical thought .
14 At the time it seemed one of the better right hands I 've ever thrown — from the shoulder , punching not at but through the target , with half-pivot that threw all my weight behind the blow .
15 It constituted one of the most beneficent , significant and effective innovations and improvements in the fabric of English civil justice .
16 In another way , however , it typified one of the main routes to social advancement in the middle ages : through service in the following of a great man .
17 It prompted one of the losing side to rue the fact that , " We lost to the older side . "
18 There was the sound of crunching metal as it hit one of the trees a glancing blow and came to a rocking halt .
19 A curious mixture of shade , energy and colour , it transcended most of the other material on the album because it contained one of the group 's main strengths — a great chorus .
20 The Sidney works and others on great estates did their own coaling , though Ralph Hogge of Buxted purchased fuel from independent colliers and it formed one of the biggest items in his accounts .
21 The party disintegrated and with it went one of the very few sensible perspectives on the Free City 's position .
22 In six of the survey 's eight categories it took one of the top three places ; it took top place ( see table 3 ) in its ability to attract and retain the ablest employees , its long-term investment value and its community and environmental responsibility .
23 The central feature was an extraordinary cold spell for three weeks in January which destroyed crops and killed so many livestock that it precipitated one of the last great subsistence crises of French history .
24 It proved one of the big money earners for the year .
25 It proved one of the hardest things of the entire expedition .
26 It clarified one of the things I had said from the start .
27 It reminded one of the two open-air markets in Derby Lane , one at each end , when all the pavement is taken over and one side road is blocked with cars .
28 It had one of the best acoustic sound-dubbing rooms in Europe — they 'd been fitted out some time in the thirties to be used for putting soundtracks on to movies .
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