Example sentences of "it [vb past] [be] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Their private parts were firmly jammed in the wringer and all it needed was for somebody to the rescue .
2 It had taken them two weeks to break the complex code , but it had been worth it .
3 It had been worth it .
4 In spite of everything , her mind kept returning to Antoinette — seeing her face as it had been during their last confrontation in Monpazier , twisted with bitterness and hate .
5 His position was now exactly what it had been during his exile in Rufus 's reign : he was without an income and reduced to dependence on the hospitality of Hugh of Lyons .
6 Smooth and firm it had been under her own nervous touch , and she watched Miguel 's muscles , catching the sunlight as he dismounted and reached up to help her .
7 Until now it had been outside her experience …
8 Through the brushed cotton of her sweater she could feel the pressure of his fingers , his touch scorching her as surely as if it had been on her bare skin .
9 And it had been on his drive back from Bramshill a week later that he had turned on his radio and heard the news of Berowne 's resignation of his ministerial post .
10 If possible , life was harder even for these ragged redskins than it had been for their forefathers after the war with Rope Thrower , when their livelihood had been deliberately burned away from them .
11 Carrie knew how hard it had been for her father , who had spent almost thirty-seven years as a horsekeeper for Galloway , to look for other employment .
12 The NVA representative who wrote to tell her of the decision explained that although he must have ‘ seemed unsympathetic in the past ’ , it had been for her own good .
13 The England that Pound mourns the loss of is , as it had been for him from the first , an integral province of western Europe , sharing a common culture with France and always reaching out , through France , to the shores of the Mediterranean .
14 He thought back to how it had been for him last winter .
15 I 'm sure it was , Patrick grinned as he walked down the corridor and climbed the half-dozen steps from the servants ' quarters up to the hall ; he had seen the look on the butler 's face , and knew how uncomfortable it had been for him .
16 He had seen how entirely wrong it had been for him to have assumed that Beatrice Throgmorton would look twice at him .
17 He paused and gave her an intense look that revealed a little of how it had been for him .
18 Convenience , that 's what it had been for her — little more .
19 He stressed first how important it had been to him to get to know Wagner 's philosophy of music and that his own " Dionysiac Philosophy " reflected that debt .
20 It had been with him a long time , long before McLuhanism had arrived to make a lot of people cry into their beer at El Vino 's and go haring after every tin-pot producer in the business .
21 Her mousy hair had been bleached by the sun to a more nearly-blonde than it had been since her childhood , and her skin was very brown .
22 The thought that it had been inside his mouth , touching his tongue and gums and those rather small but perfect teeth , that it had been drenched in some of his most intimate fluids gave me an erotic thrill .
23 SOON THEY BECAME VERY MUCH AS IT HAD BEEN BEFORE THEIR separation , except that Gina was a little more violent .
24 He had never been a party-goer and it had been against his better judgement that they agreed to join Ibn Fayoud 's party .
25 She knew it had been against his better judgement ; that all his own instincts had told him to wait , to take it more slowly .
26 This change also made imperative the development of links with employers , Youth Training providers and the tertiary colleges so that the quality of transition for young people was as effective into the post-16 area as it had been throughout their school career .
27 Suddenly Anne thought of the kitchen as it had been throughout her childhood , a warm , secure and loving haven .
28 If it had been like our door , the existing door it would have stood rubbing down flatting down and er then .
29 Their forensic tests could probably prove it had been around your neck and in my pocket , but it 's been badly mistreated as a piece of evidence . ’
30 The Brotherhood was suppressed by Nasser when he came to power in the 1950s , as it had been by his predecessors .
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