Example sentences of "it [vb past] [conj] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It checked and looked at her .
2 Albert 's dingy sink had been scoured to its original yellow colour , and the window above it gleamed and winked with unaccustomed cleanliness .
3 It swirled and broke across her hand .
4 Armando Boetto , commanding officer of the 49 a Squadriglia , Blue 1 getting in the final burst before it disintegrated and fell into the sea .
5 It bounced and rolled between them and lay in the shadow of the chair .
6 I was within half a mile of Darrowby with the lights of the little town beginning to wink between the bare roadside branches when a car approached , went past , then I heard a squeal of brakes as it stopped and began to double back .
7 It flickered and flew along the elding , and then burst into smoke , so thick and foul in the throat that I was fain to get on my knees behind a boulder , for the wind out of the cove sent it downhill …
8 A policewoman pulled a teenage joyrider from a stolen Vauxhall Astra after it crashed and burst into flames in Leeds early yesterday .
9 He stopped with his hands full of water ; it dripped and fell in little runnels on the earth , but he did not notice .
10 The ferry was in ; it rose and fell on the swelling Grönsund .
11 Mrs Hollidaye 's voice was comforting as it rose and fell like the wind .
12 It rose and fell in time with the drums and gongs which continued to fill the hut with their relentless clamour .
13 Basically it resembled that issued to hospitals , canteens and similar institutions .
14 It burned and raged through her like a fever , until she began to imagine that she was no longer herself , no longer human at all , but the heart of fire , the savage tooth , the embodiment of the very essence of pain .
15 It accelerated and moved into the slow lane , as he passed .
16 There was a rough equality between them which pleased him since it ignored and slipped through the magical armour of those clothes , the possessions , the name , the title , the carriage and four , the weight of deference and the history of servility .
17 It came and sniffed around the edges , and gradually came all the way out .
18 It came and went in swirling waves that rushed down from the ceiling and swallowed her up .
19 It came and went in waves .
20 It squeaked and jingled on its hinges as they swung it behind them .
21 The rock was in just three pieces when it arrived and needed to be hammered into the correct sizes for the set-up .
22 The sound of his breath as it sawed and whistled in his throat mingled with the rush and whicker of wind among the trees .
23 He pulled his wings back for speed , leaned into the wind to gain maximum drive and stooped down upon them , the air thunderous in his wings as , with talons thrust forward , he thumped the first straight to its death among the wet beach rocks and tore at the other viciously before it squawked and fled to safety in the shadows of the cliff .
24 But suddenly it turned and galloped at the house and to my horror it leapt gigantically up and straight at me with bared teeth .
25 It shone and danced in the darkness , and without it there would be nothing ; but one hand raised against it and it could lightly cease .
26 It was the last age when the railway station was an essential ingredient of every traveller 's itinerary : point of departure , point of arrival , point of contact en route with everyday life as it teemed and flowed outside the protective cocoon of the train .
27 It curved and disappeared from view behind some old buildings .
28 She was shocked at the journalistic licence it exposed and appalled by the crime to which it referred .
29 It wriggled and squirmed like quicksilver and , apart from that , the box was only just long enough to take it .
30 Eventually , it tired and came to the pan .
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