Example sentences of "it [vb past] [pron] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 And when the colonel himself seemed to have taken matters into his own hands by delegating him to a job that tired him out day after day , week after week , it seemed they had been successful .
2 It seemed he had been behind the same car for hours now — a Jaguar whose iridescent blue reminded Dexter of oil shimmering on the surface of a puddle .
3 It seemed he had been sent no less than ten lords a leaping .
4 Now that it was happening it seemed it had been inevitable from the start .
5 One did not have to attend school meals with the boys over the week-end if one was off duty ; and the only master who might have noticed I had been away was Méli himself , but as it happened he 'd been in Athens .
6 It meant he 'd been laid off again at the stocking factory .
7 He had simply been angry and believed that it meant he had been right all the time and that his sister really was in Hepzibah 's Power .
8 ‘ When we arrived at the house it appeared there had been an attempt to destroy literature by burning it .
9 In one was a fat , broad-faced man ; the body perfect and soft , as if just dead ; the lid had been glewed together , lengthways , and the weight of the earth had prest down his nose ; his beard was about half an inch long ; the winding-sheet was crape , tied with black ribbons ; and the thumbs and toes with the like ; the date was composed of small nails ( 1665 ) by which it appeared he had been dead seventy-two years ; as were also the figure of an hour-glass , death 's head , and cross bones .
10 It said there had been seven votes cast and a clear majority for Prime Suspect .
11 It said it had been unable to establish with sufficient certainty which of the inconsistent statements made by Mr Clark was not true .
12 It compounded what had been learnt , and gave the opportunity to learn new skills through five different types of dive .
13 That was true , and if it suggested they had been alerted by the security pass and not by a friend in the underpaid BBC World Service , then so much the better .
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