Example sentences of "it [coord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Do we have any feedback from any other local parties or the National Party are they recommending it or they only putting out feelers to local parties and ask what what we feel about it ?
2 And they 'll say well can you fax the wording through , practices have got it or you just drop is round .
3 But I was a member then and it there were a big crowd in it and we just did .
4 His widow said yesterday : ‘ Money started coming in for a Denholm Elliott Project without me appealing for it and we already have several thousand pounds from British donations as well as £5,000 from Ibiza , where we lived .
5 The statement adds : ‘ Racism and anti-semitism severely affects the quality of life of those who endure it and we therefore wish to support the right for all members of our community to conduct their affairs in Darlington free from the risk of verbal or physical attack . ’
6 Erm not necessarily addicted though , they just like it and they just wait until they get caught then they suffer the consequences themselves .
7 At least they bloody started it and they just did n't fucking jump on the bandwagon like everybody else .
8 Well I was supposed to be but erm every single time they arrange it and they either tell me the wrong da well they told me the wrong day last week cos , they told me Tuesd they told me it was Thursday when it , when it was actually Tuesday when I was getting pissed at Scott 's house so erm it was too late by then .
9 Everyone knew this , but only the Japanese acted on it and they now have a ten-year lead in robotics .
10 erm I think perhaps we were on erm traffic management generally , you mentioned Howard Street and Magdalen Street , which you all know you know has always been a bone of contention amongst the Conservatives erm they spent two hundred thousand on it and they now want another two hundred and fifty thousand to make it permanent , and so on and so forth .
11 getting up and coughing and wheezing and all the rest of it and they actually slept very well last night .
12 There 's a family at Stafford as well , they live on part of it and they actually bought a field off I do n't know if you know the bypass at Stafford , the
13 Put the carpets , put everything in and er and we paid for it and they still go ad now course the national union 's taken it over but when we joined the national union there were two things that er I stipulated before we 'd join .
14 she could n't afford it and they still did n't sell , them people kept her waiting and waiting
15 big like gun in like a staple thing it was , but it was a la , it was an extended one , fitted inside this rubber hose and then , clamp it and they only have a little bit of stomach left so they ca n't eat proper meals
16 I told Dali about it and he simply chuckled .
17 As the ground had dried out it was also a surprise that he should go so quickly on it and he just tired at Valentine 's second-time .
18 And he went to kick it and he just went crack .
19 computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other , and he says right I 'm going and he went and he left the game , he 'd brought it down for the kids , he did n't say , you know
20 ‘ I once asked him why he did it and he just said he and Parul were sexually incompatible .
21 Yeah , I mean , but he never gets a panic or not and he just lets her get on with it and he just stands there .
22 Yes I mean er when I s er you know when I was on the Q E Two and was chatting with a fella and er he , they 'd been , he 'd obviously been cruising before and was on this cruise and er they were going on the er another Cunard ship a few months later , and it turned out that he was a hotelier who 'd bought a hotel in Swanage some years ago , I think he 'd had about seven bedrooms when he bought it and he gradually extended it , I forget how many he did tell me , and then he had a bit of a heart er attack and er his doctor told him to , you know , well if I were you I 'd just pack in your job which he did and that was about fifteen years ago he was I du n no if he was eighty or he was approaching eighty if he was n't and was in pretty good form , he was dancing , and er , you know , I mean there money 's no object .
23 Ha ha you did get it and he still gets it .
24 And he got so he could gradually do without it and he never stuttered again .
25 He would get it and he never changed it .
26 I bent down to do it and he always pokes me in the eye with it .
27 Nancy used one of those in it and she just lifted it out and the whole lot shattered all over
28 The house was so run down that even Anna could n't afford to do anything about it and she never liked it much .
29 And erm she you know she found it and she really enjoyed it .
30 And that 's where a lot of it and she still think 's that he 's
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