Example sentences of "it [adv] much [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There were a lot of wonderful things about the organisation and about Tony DeFries — he really is a wonderful man and gave a lot of people a lot of opportunities , but we all took it so much for granted .
2 It is a measure of his success in launching this new functional approach that we now take it so much for granted that we forget , and even find difficulty in appreciating , the novelty which it represented at the time .
3 Walking is such a simple thing and yet we all take it very much for granted .
4 Some of those who have it take it very much for granted , others cherish it as a priceless possession , and still others search for it and never find it .
5 I mean it was it was a very small affair fortunately I think sort of glorifies it too much by giving it giving it the name , riot .
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