Example sentences of "it [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One day during rehearsal of Sea Change , she remembers , when things were getting too complicated , she simply told him to stop and leave it altogether until the next day .
2 I do n't know whether this will be acceptable to Policy and Resources Committee or the Council at the end of the day , but essentially what is showing there is something that , taken over the three years meets er , a figure equivalent to the annual but it does n't do it uniformly over the three years .
3 The resident male who was displaced then comes back and looks after all the eggs , including those of the pirate and the reason he does it presumably in the first place he ca n't distinguish which eggs he 's fertilized and those fertilized by the pirate and secondly , he knows he 's fertilized some of the eggs and therefore it pays him to stay and look after all of them .
4 I think we can all learn a thing or too from that oh er that sounded nice that that sounds even better , oh I 've cracked it right down the bloody middle
5 he 's done nothing , put it right for the last year .
6 I remember that she asked me to guess what was inside a sort of pasty served to her on Thásos , and that I got it right at the first guess : macaroni .
7 I loved it right from the off . ’
8 When Pound revised and expanded this to make The ABC of Reading ( the title is still a misnomer ) , he winkled out of it most of the anti-Englishness that had been present in the first version , when Pound was still smarting from what he took to be England 's rejection of him eight years before , in 1920 .
9 ‘ The thing about McGahern is that although 6 out of 8 Irish critics were against it most of the foreign reviewers , including The Observer and Guardian and New York Times , gave it glowing reviews .
10 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
11 And throw it thence into the raging sea .
12 He lifted the edge of the hood , and laid it gently over the shattered head , hiding the face .
13 He plans to release it all over the Far East as well as Britain , and said : ‘ It will sell like hot cakes . ’
14 Now bring it all over the left hand side and we 'll get B to the plus sixteen B square , minus two , two , five equals what ?
15 The bulk of LIFFE 's trade is conducted by " open outcry " in pits , each of which is specific to a particular type of instrument which is traded in it only during the recognised hours laid down by the Exchange .
16 It steals between us in such a way that whether or not he sees me only as the outline Woman , I see him through it only as the crude outline Man .
17 Nor was it only on the great party issues of the day that Whig–Tory divisions emerged in the House ; the same was true even on more mundane matters , where no great issue of party principle was at stake .
18 You can see it only on the giant screen at the National Museum of Photography , Film and Television , Bradford .
19 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
20 ( Nor , it may be added , was it only in the nineteenth century that this stratagem was adopted : it has figured in a good deal of more recent writing as well .
21 He was a fan of the BCR though he came to know it only in the last few years of its life .
22 This formalism has been extended to space-times with two space-like Killing vectors by Kitchingham ( 1984 ) , although he initially applied it only in the cosmological context .
23 It was fiat and broad , and a crowd of sweating men on the deck were poling it upstream amongst the bird-filled islets .
24 Britain 's rescue drew it deeper into the American orbit , though with the introduction of Marshall Aid to promote the economic recovery of Europe by means of financing balance of payments deficits , this was to a degree common to western European countries [ Milward , 1984 ] .
25 Even if it is desirable , it will not be possible to hold it together through the tight control of a bureaucratic Commission .
26 I 've had to put it together over the last three days .
27 Yet , take an accident like that hair in the gate , put it together with the coincidental gaze of a ghost , and it 's as if Fonda really has come back to life .
28 Yet it together with the other numerous Somerset railways knitted town and country together in a way that had never been achieved before .
29 He took the photostat copy of the Illustrated Police News out of the roll-top desk where he had kept it together with the original photograph ; under a pile of old negatives away from his wife 's prying eyes .
30 Leaving Hong Kong had not just removed her from the battlefield ; it had left them alone in it together for the first time in their lives .
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