Example sentences of "it [adj] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although Glasgow District Council ( GDC ) supported Heatfest , they made it clear that they had not the resources to implement any radical outcome .
2 They may have done so , but they did not make it clear that they had .
3 Whether or not this advance notice had any bearing on the government 's response , when the subpoenas were served on 29 September , the FBI , the DEA , the State Department , the National Security Agency , the CIA and the National Security Council each made it clear that they had no intention of complying with them .
4 Now they were making it clear that they expected more from her : " If I had done reasonably well , they would say that I should have done better , and if I had done badly , they would ask , " What 's wrong with you ? " "
5 Careful experiments have made it clear that they take note of the geographical features below them and when leaving their home loft they circle above it as if refreshing their memory with one last look before departing .
6 They made it clear that they saw it as the core of a European army .
7 Those housewives who ‘ do n't mind ’ ironing make it clear that they dislike the task itself , yet have found conditions under which it becomes bearable .
8 He and his advisers were so dismayed as to misread the letter , for the reply makes it clear that they understood the meeting of the princes to have taken place already .
9 So , for example if somebody does reject a young man in a way that erm is n't appropriate in his eyes , he might then go around and start calling her all sorts of names and generally making other men think of her in bad way , and of course no eighteen year old woman wants young men to think badly of her , and so she puts pressure on herself not to reject advances too openly or too obviously or something like that , and the whole cycle starts again , and so and I think this is the sort of thing the college just can not have anything to do with , because that really is going too far , that 's interfering with the the one thing we could do , perhaps , is talk to the young women and make it clear that they do have the right to reject advances and that what they 've got to be concerned about whilst they 're at university is they 're academic career and making sure that that is n't affected by harassment .
10 Analysis of Merovingian gold coin and early Anglo-Saxon gold artefacts has made it clear that they have a similar composition , the latter accurately following the debasement of the coinage ( Hawkes , Merrick and Metcalf 1966 ) .
11 The arrest on May 13th of Mitsuhiro Yanagitani , formerly branch manager for Daiwa Securities at Kunitachi , in west Tokyo , and Ueki Kenjiro , of its Nagoya branch , makes it clear that they have not .
12 This was never a very promising argument , seeing that the notice is addressed to the defendants and not to the plaintiffs , and the defendants themselves have made it clear that they have no difficulty in understanding it and complying with it .
13 WE have been asked by the owners of the Lal Qila restaurants in Bath Street , Southport and Red Lion Buildings , Liverpool Road North , Maghull , to make it clear that they have no connection with a takeaway of the same name which was the subject of court proceedings reported in Wednesday 's Echo .
14 While Bantock , Holbrook , Inglis and those English teachers who support the ‘ élitists ’ , recommend the employment of stimuli drawn exclusively from the music , painting and literature of high art , and make it clear that they view creativity partly as a way back into appreciation , a radical teacher like Searle rejects this culture completely .
15 So after a year 's preliminary investigation they moved the charter and their centre of government to Boston ( Massachusetts , though named after the East Anglian port ) in 1630 and made it clear that they intended to cut off all official connection with the English government .
16 Nicholas Brady , the US Treasury Secretary and David Mulford , his aggressive deputy , have made it clear that they want Mr Greenspan to lower interest rates and do it quickly .
17 They could feel angry , embarrassed and even guilty because of the comments of over-anxious parents who keep hinting about their longing for grandchildren , or make it clear that they think there should be no more .
18 However , the unions have made it clear that they refuse even to discuss the proposed reforms and are not afraid to call their men out on strike .
19 Other leading figures of the party made it clear that they share his sentiments .
20 When both the Minister for Justice , General McEoin , and the Attorney General , Mr Charles Casey , made it clear that they considered the legislation inopportune , pressure for an explanation eventually brought forward a response from Mr Casey .
21 Ingush members of the Provisional Council had resigned , making it clear that they wanted to remain in the Russian Federation .
22 His new Food and Beverage Manager is in favour , but the idea was resisted by the original departmental heads , who made it clear that they preferred the old system .
23 Those are all prominent Scottish Conservatives who have made it clear that they believe that the Conservative party should have joined , and even now should still join , the Scottish Constitutional Convention .
24 She had tried to get out of the car when he was driving and he considered it lucky that they had n't been killed , but as he and I were together more I came to admire her resolution and good sense .
25 I ca n't believe it likely that they did .
26 It is not clear from the report in Willmott v. Atack whether the police had made it plain that they did not want the defendant 's ‘ help , ’ and , if so , what impact that has on the state of the law .
27 They turned him down on ‘ security grounds ’ ; a lot of the Surinamese living in Holland make it plain that they do not like him at all .
28 There are also external hazards ; too much effort here is offering ammunition to the Republicans , with every campaign word a potential hostage , for the Republicans have already made it plain that they plan to use New York to frighten voters who live elsewhere .
29 However , the Government made it plain that they intended to go back into the ERM when they judged the moment to be right .
30 I have worked with leaders whose style is so totally different to my own that I have found it incomprehensible that they achieve results , but nevertheless they do .
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