Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [pron] in a " in BNC.

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1 This he will normally be planning to do , but it involves him in a more considerable recasting of his planned activities than the university teacher , and brings him into contact with many more parts of the school life .
2 It establishes him in a special relationship with God .
3 The document says it is impossible not to notice how society , for the most part , makes human sexuality banal , since it interprets it in a reduced and impoverished way , ‘ connecting it only with the body and egoistic pleasure ’ .
4 A rhetorical figure does not disrupt a conventional meaning randomly ; it shifts it in a particular direction .
5 It finds her in a maximum security prison on a far-off planet .
6 ‘ True , it may not necessarily reform the offender but at least it punishes him in a way which society would regard as just .
7 It puts me in a fever .
8 If I can read it , it puts me in a far better mood .
9 A Pentagon official said : ‘ It puts us in a position between Iran and Iraq where we do n't want to be .
10 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
11 The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose .
12 It leaves me in a bit of a dilemma , do n't you see . ’
13 It leaves me in a state of considerable nervousness .
14 The advert does not say ‘ go beyond greed ’ but it leaves you in a place where greed — at least for that moment — is obsolete .
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