Example sentences of "it [was/were] [vb pp] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
2 In the 143 years since it was played it has probably never been surpassed .
3 In the two years since it was formed it has attracted $6m in venture capital and another $4m from big-name strategic partners , on the promise that the application development environment it 's designing would be a significant enough advance to turn the company into a nine-digit revenue producer .
4 But , privatization had not dramatically affected core areas of local government activity by the end of the 1980s , and in those areas where it was implemented it seemed unlikely significantly to undermine bureaucratic power .
5 TROUBLED morning television station GMTV finally had something to smile about last night when it was revealed it gained an extra million viewers over the last two weeks .
6 THE Queen came under fire last night when it was revealed it costs £369,000 for a day 's sailing in the royal yacht Britannia .
7 You see , all the iron work , as you took it off , it had to be straightened out , and if it was broken it had to be rewelded .
8 Worktwice , the rival firm which now has the fax number , say it merely applied for the fax number because it was told it had become available and are confident British Telecom acted in a right and proper manner .
9 The overiding feeling among local people is one of relief that the party is over — what many are asking though , is why it was allowed it to start in the first place .
10 When it was sold it became the village hall at Bishop Wilton .
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