Example sentences of "it [was/were] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I only wish it were a day trip you were on . ’
2 Wearing a baggy green cap and showing not the slightest tension , Latif went for his strokes as if it were a charity match .
3 An arbitration award can be enforced by application to the court under s26 of the Arbitration Act 1950 , which allows enforcement of the award in the same way as if it were a court judgment .
4 The anatomy theatre , in which lectures on medicine and surgery were also delivered , held about 100 pupils , and adjacent to it were a dissecting room , yard and paddock .
5 Balanced upon it were a Sèvres plate , a Sèvres cup and saucer .
6 Like many I would draw the line if it were a water closet frequented by the public , but prison is not a place for such offenders .
7 If we imagine ourselves to be standing outside time , looking down upon the history of the Universe as if it were a relief map , we get a different perspective .
8 ( The top level directory of a VMS device or pseudo-device is always treated as though it were a directory file named 000000 .
9 It were a karaoke machine . ’
10 The oval dining table stood before the rear window , but it held in the middle a model of the house on a low plinth as if it were a museum exhibit , and the eight high-backed dining chairs had been set back against the walls .
11 The waiter watched this display with patient interest and carried the loaded saucer away ceremoniously , as though it were a church collection plate .
12 The background tells more than the people or the happenings : the water-sprinkler on the lawn ; the hateful birds with their ‘ strident and spiteful noises ’ and ‘ those banal exchanges from tree to tree , mockings and bickerings and sudden solo trillings ’ ; the cook with a napkin fastened round her head as if it were a Stilton cheese … .
13 Indeed , why is so much that is trivial in organizations treated as though it were a state secret ?
14 Willi had , somehow , over the years , forced everyone into the custom of dressing as though it were a State ball instead of a private dinner party in a prosperous farmhouse .
15 The new principle of a two-thirds majority of those present , as it were a head count — without discriminating between them as to worth , age and weightiness — was undoubtedly responsible for Lothar 's election .
16 Lady Grubb had fallen easily into the habit of behaving to her children as if she were some doggedly snobbish godmother , inviting them home every few months to look into their marriage prospects and treating the occasion as if it were a country weekend that put her to a lot of trouble , though her house was actually in the middle of London and fully staffed with unhappy au-pair girls .
17 It were a talking point but er it was n't er n nobody seemed unduly perturbed about it .
18 He wore the soft , white , flowing robes of a monk , but in a peculiar fashion , with his shoulders hunched forward , as though it were a prison garment .
19 The jade lay concealed in her bag , and she was aware of it as if it were a ton weight on her shoulders .
20 I thought it were a tea bag .
21 A note pinned to the wall , as if it were a restaurant menu , informs the King of the rate of interest on his fortune .
22 Culley pulled on the man 's hair as if it were a bell rope , backhanded him across the throat again , then clamped his hand over Schmidt 's mouth .
23 It were a Saturday night cos I was in .
24 ‘ September , ’ she said , as if it were a death sentence , ‘ if you must know .
25 more than the mere fact of existence ; it is as it were the ego quality of this existence .
26 In Britain , the equipment had not been well-proven , since the only cars to employ it were the Marton cars at Blackpool , and an experimental car each at Glasgow and Leeds .
27 into the ego , so the ego was as it were the command centre of the , of the erm of the personality .
28 Last week it were the Barron Knights
29 The English embryologist , John Gurdon , in an extensive series of experiments performed during the 1960s , showed that if he transplanted the nucleus from one of the cells of the blastula of early toad embryo it could function as if it were the toad egg 's nucleus .
30 When this happens work out the effect just as if it were an enemy unit .
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