Example sentences of "it [is] not often that " in BNC.

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1 It 's not often that someone can get paid for doing what they enjoy most .
2 It 's not often that I can say a piece of equipment is inspiring , but reviewing the A2 actually got me coming up with some ideas that I just had to get on tape .
3 IT 'S not often that I am moved to feel genuine sympathy for a Cabinet Minister , let alone Norman Lamont .
4 They wrote : ‘ It is not often that a major British church seeks such an interview , and the conference and our 500,000 members and 1 million community can not but be offended .
5 It is not often that a major commanding such a small force gets the opportunity to present his views to the Prime Minister .
6 As with most areas of sociological study , it is not often that a simple and unproblematic definition can be established .
7 Soil creep is still moving the weathered rocks down the slopes but it is not often that the changing river channel is directly below a slope to remove this rock debris .
8 It is not often that I receive ‘ fan'-letters , and I always acknowledge them unless they are impertinent , or have obviously been written by lunatics .
9 It is not often that secateurs or the knife is proven to be the carrier of infection ; of course , if you know you are working on infected wood , it is only common sense to disinfect your tools with Lysol or a similar substance before moving on to plants that are clean .
10 It is not often that Britain can claim a first in the field of sports science , but this research is breaking new ground .
11 It is not often that the MacQuitty tastebuds are stumped by a GH recipe .
12 It is not often that the Organ publishes press releases , but an exception might usefully be made in the case of the handouts by Random House about the personnel changes there .
13 It is not often that the Opposition play to the Government 's strengths , but , as my hon. Friend the Member for Batley and Spen ( Mrs. Peacock ) said , the council tax is a simple and fair tax , and she was right to welcome its rebate scheme and its transitional relief .
14 Elean : As a firm supporter of the South African People 's struggle , it is not often that we see this side of apartheid oppression coming out in the liberation literature .
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